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A movement teacher's guide for supporting Pelvic Floor Health and Diastasis Recti Recovery - The Center Method
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Main description:

Pelvic Floor dysfunction & Diastasis Recti Recovery programs have gained the much-needed importance and attention in the last decade. There have been many research articles and books written with respect to a variety of treatment modalities that include manual and movement protocols for the same. But, despite the advancement in our knowledge of the complex architecture of the abdominal wall, its myofascial connections and newer therapeutic techniques, most of the protocols are usually a hit/miss, because of a lack of proper pedagogy and more importantly its practical application being taught to movement teachers/ fitness trainers. The aim of this book is to bridge that gap and fill the void. Not only will it help practitioners acquire a strong theoretical base, but it will give them simple yet effective practice protocols that they can use as a primer irrespective of the type of movement they teach (Yoga/ Pilates/ Zumba/ dance/personal training/ sport specific athletic conditioning, etc.) It intends to be a great resource that translates the latest research in the fields of fascia and discoveries in human anatomy to movement protocols for supporting pelvic floor health, optimising breath and abdominal muscle function.

The primary audience of the book will be movement teachers, but it will also work as a great supplemental tool for doctors and physical therapists, so that they can guide their patients towards a sustainable practice.

Clients with the issues outlined in this book often have a very negative body image and this forces them to set an unrealistic outcome-based goal and removes the focus from behavioural based goals that will truly influence their recovery. When they choose to add the simple techniques in the book, it will help them be more in tune with themselves and deeply engage in their process of recovery.

The techniques in this book aren't restricted to just postnatal women and this knowledge will allow practitioners to greatly impact the quality of lives of their clients and patients.



Introduction - Who is this book for & how to use it


Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Myofascial Continuum

Nervous System


The Center Method - connecting the dots

Case Studies




ISBN-13: 9781913426736
Publisher: Handspring Publishing Limited
Publication date: March, 2024
Pages: 224
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Physiotherapy


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