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Acute Adult Dermatology
Diagnosis and Management: A Colour Handbook
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Main description:

A significant proportion of skin disease develops rapidly, is highly symptomatic and can be associated with considerable morbidity. While most patients with acute skin disorders are initially seen by primary care services, acute dermatology is also encountered in hospital emergency departments and in dermatology clinics. This comprehensive reference on relevant acute dermatology is designed to encourage a structured and thorough clinical technique. The sections have been written so that essential information about each disease is summarized in a clear and concise way. After a brief introduction, there is a description of the clinical features, followed by a differential diagnosis, a list of important systemic associations and the relevant investigations. Treatment is divided into two sections, the first stating the immediate action required to prevent further deterioration and the second discussing long-term management considerations. Each condition described and discussed is illustrated by clinical pictures. It is hoped that this book will enable all medical staff seeing patients with acute skin problems to practice more effectively.
It is aimed at primary care physicians, nurse specialists, emergency department staff and dermatologists. It should also appeal to the general physician who is interested in dermatology.


Eczema Psoriasis Papular and Papulo-squamous dermatoses Erythroderma Urticaria Blistering diseases Vascular diseases Panniculitis Connective tissue disease Bacterial diseases Viral diseases Fungal diseases Dermatoses caused by Arthropods Travellers' and tropical dermatoses Tumours and malignancies Envrironmental and physical dermatoses Pregnancydermatoses Drug and therapy induced eruptions


ISBN-13: 9781840765120
Publisher: Manson Publishing Ltd
Publication date: February, 2010
Pages: 240
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Dermatology


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