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Main description:
Adaptation, as an internal human process, is an often-overlooked construct in occupational therapy education, research, and practice. Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives aims to change that by presenting different perspectives that challenge the reader's understanding of occupational adaptation. As the first of its kind text to explore, analyze, and present a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to understanding occupational adaptation, the collection of writings in this text add to the range of knowledge available in occupational therapy.
Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives by Drs. Lenin Grajo and Angela Boisselle provides in-depth perspectives of occupation and adaptation that can be used to teach courses on foundational and theoretical perspectives in occupational therapy, occupational science undergraduate and graduate programs, and as a critical module in teaching Neuroscience to occupational therapy students. This text also aims to facilitate new bodies of research to define and apply the concept of adaptation in relation to occupational performance and participation.
Some perspectives covered inside include:
Historical and theoretical perspectives on occupation and adaptation
Neural mechanisms of occupational adaptation
Occupational science perspectives and international and lived-experience perspectives
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used in the classroom.
Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives opens the gates for new ways of understanding occupational adaptation and adds necessary information to the existing knowledge in the occupational therapy profession.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Sally W. Schultz, PhD, OT, LPC-S
Section I Conceptual Evolution of Occupational Adaptation
Angela K. Boisselle, PhD, OTR, ATP
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Chapter 1 Defining the Construct of Occupational Adaptation
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Angela K. Boisselle, PhD, OTR, ATP
Elaina DaLomba, PhD, MSW, OTR/L
Chapter 2 Adaptation as a Measure of Occupational Participation
Lorrie George-Paschal, PhD, OTR/L, ATP
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Section II Neuroscience Perspectives on Occupational Adaptation
Angela K. Boisselle, PhD, OTR, ATP
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Chapter 3 Neural Basis of Adaptation: Neuroplasticity and Movement Sciences
Dawn M. Nilsen, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Angela K. Boisselle, PhD, OTR, ATP
Chapter 4 Neural Basis of Adaptation: Motivation, Intention, Resilience, and Goal-Directed Behaviors
Katherine Dimitropoulou, PhD, OTR
Mary Frances Baxter, PhD, OT, FAOTA
Section III Occupational Adaptation in Occupational Therapy Theories and Models
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Angela K. Boisselle, PhD, OTR, ATP
Chapter 5 Occupational Adaptation as a Normative and Intervention Process: New Perspectives on Schkade and Schultz's Professional Legacy
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Chapter 6 Formation of Identity and Occupational Competence: Occupational Adaptation in the Model of Human Occupation
Patricia Bowyer, EdD, MS, OTR, FAOTA
Chapter 7 Adaptation From a Sensory Processing Perspective
Lauren Little, PhD, OTR/L
Winifred Dunn, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Chapter 8 Adaptation as a Transaction With the Environment: Perspectives From the Ecology of Human Performance Model
Evan E. Dean, PhD, OTR
Anna Wallisch, PhD, OTR/L
Winifred Dunn, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Section IV Occupational Adaptation in Occupational Science
Lenin C. Grajo, PhD, EdM, OTR/L
Angela K. Boisselle, PhD, OTR, ATP
Chapter 9 An Occupational Science Perspective on Occupation, Adaptation, and Participation
Rebecca M. Aldrich, PhD, OTR/L
Kendra Heatwole Shank, PhD, OTR/L
Chapter 10 The Lived Experience of Occupational Adaptation: Adaptation in the Wake of Adversity, Life Transitions, and Change
Mandy Stanley, PhD
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: August, 2018
Pages: 225
Weight: 408g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy