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Administrative Topics in Athletic Training
Concepts to Practice
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Main description:

Administrative Topics in Athletic Training: Concepts to Practice, Second Edition continues to be a dynamic text that addresses important administrative issues, practices, and procedures, as well as fundamental concepts, strategies, and techniques related to the management of all aspects of an athletic training health care delivery system. Uniquely, this text balances theory and application around management, administration, and leadership for the athletic trainer in multiple practice settings.

Inside the Second Edition, Drs. Gary Harrelson, Greg Gardner, and Andrew Winterstein feature case studies and instructional activities, both within the text and instructor materials, to help athletic training students and clinicians understand and apply the concepts to "real world" scenarios. Numerous graphic elements such as boxes, callouts, tables, and illustrations are included throughout the text to enhance readability.
New and updated features to the Second Edition:

Numerous case studies, examples, and classroom activities
12 appendices provide tools and examples to aid in the application of concepts and principles addressed in the text
Each chapter uses an Advanced Organizer to aid the reader in chapter orientation
All chapters have been updated to include changes in laws, regulations and practices
Issues in educational and clinical settings are broken into different chapters
Chapters have been grouped into three sections to improve flow of the text- Personal Practices, Athletic Training Practices and Organizational Practices
Faculty will have access to an Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint slides, and Test Bank Questions

Updated topics inside the Second Edition:

Use of social media
Multiple generations in the workplace
Time management and prioritization
Process of writing a business plan
Athletic training as a business
Starting your own business
Administrative models in educational settings
Impact of degree transition in athletic training
Guidelines for appropriate medical coverage in secondary school and university settings
Expanding roles of Athletic Trainers in clinical settings

Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional material to be used for teaching in the classroom.

Administrative Topics in Athletic Training: Concepts to Practice, Second Edition provides beneficial information on administrative topics and will be a useful resource for athletic training students, practitioners, and any administrator responsible for supervision of athletic trainers and athletic training service programs.


About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by R. Mark Laursen, MS, ATC

Section I Personal Practices
Chapter 1 Leadership and Management
Gary L. Harrelson, EdD, PCC, ATC
Chapter 2 Ethical Practice in Athletic Training
Greg Gardner, EdD, ATC, LAT
Chapter 3 Improving Personal Effectiveness
Gary L. Harrelson, EdD, PCC, ATC

Section II Athletic Training Practices
Chapter 4 Risk Management in Athletic Training
Greg Gardner, EdD, ATC, LAT
Chapter 5 Athletic Training Administration: Issues in Educational Settings
Andrew P. Winterstein, PhD, ATC
Chapter 6 Athletic Training Administration: Issues in Clinical Settings
Shari Khaja Dorresteijn, MS, ATC and Timothy A. McGuine, PhD, ATC
Chapter 7 Employment Issues in Athletic Training: Organizational Influences and Socialization for Professional Roles
William A. Pitney, EdD, ATC, FNATA

Section III Organizational Practices
Chapter 8 Budget and Finance
Andrew P. Winterstein, PhD, ATC and Gary L. Harrelson, EdD, PCC, ATC
Chapter 9 Human Resources
Gary L. Harrelson, EdD, PCC, ATC
Chapter 10 Medical Records and Documentation
Jill Murphy, DPT, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Chapter 11 Business: Revenue and Reimbursement Opportunities
Katherine I. Dieringer, EdD, LAT, ATC
Chapter 12 Improving Organizational Performance
Andrew P. Winterstein, PhD, ATC

Appendix A Examples of Types of Interview Questions
Appendix B Sample Athletic Training Outreach Contracts
Appendix C Athletic Training Initial Evaluation
Appendix D Examples of Function and Impairment-Based Goals
Appendix E Goal Writing Tips
Appendix F Daily Notes
Appendix G Athletic Training Progress/Discharge Note
Appendix H Athletic Training Chart Review
Appendix I Sample Insurance Appeal Letter
Appendix J Standard Medical Abbreviations
Appendix K Board of Certification Standards of Professional Practice
Appendix L Business Plan Template

Financial Disclosures


ISBN-13: 9781617119804
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: August, 2016
Pages: 350
Weight: 1332g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine


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