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Ageing in Advanced Industrial States
Riding the Age Waves - Volume 3
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Main description:

Population growth slowed across the world in the last decades of the 20th century, changing substantially our view of the future. The 21st century is likely to see the end to world population growth and become the century of population aging, marked by low fertility and ever-increasing life expectancy. These trends have prompted many to predict a gloomy future caused by an unprecedented economic burden of population aging. In response, industrialized nations will need to implement effective social and economic policies and programs.

This is the final volume in a series of three. The papers included explore many examples and strengthen the basis for effective economic and social policies by investigating the economic, social, and demographic consequences of the transformations in the structures of population and family. These consequences include changes in economic behavior, both in labor and financial markets, and with regard to saving and consumption, and intergenerational transfers of money and care.


Introduction: Shripad Tuljapurkar, Naohiro Ogawa, and Anne Gauthier.-1: Age-Structural Transitions in Industrialized Countries: Ian Pool.- 2: On Age Structures and Mortality: Nico Keilman.-3: Long-Run Relationships in Differential U.S. Mortality Forecasts by Race and Sex: Tests for Cointegration: Lawrence Carter.- 4: Uncertain Demographic Futures and Government Budgets in the U.S.: Ronald Lee, Shripad Tuljapurkar, Ryan Edwards.- 5: Life, Death, and the Economy: Mortality Change in Overlapping-Generations Model: Qi Li and Shripad Tuljapurkar.- 6: International Adverse Selection in Life Insurance and Annuities: David McCarthy, Olivia S. Mitchell.- 7: Aging, Family Support Systems, Saving, and Wealth: Is Decline on the Horizon for Japan?: Andrew Mason, Naohiro Ogawa, Takehiro Fukui.- 8: The Future Costs of Health Care in Aging Societies: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?: Deborah Freund, Timothy Smeeding.- 9: Family Support for Older People: Determinants and Consequences: Emily Grundy.- 10: Care of the Elderly and Women's Labour Force Participation in Japan: Naohiro Ogawa, Robert Retherford, Yasuhiko Saito.- 11: Family and Kinship Networks in the Context of Ageing Societies: Michael Murphy.- 12: Historical Trends in the Patterns of Time Use of Older Adults: Anne Gauthier, Timothy Smeeding.- 13: An Economic Analysis of Age Discrimination - The Impact of Mandatory Retirement and Age Limitations in Hiring on the Utilization of Human Resources in an Aging Society: Atsushi Seike.


ISBN-13: 9789048135523
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: June, 2010
Pages: 368
Weight: 1470g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Geriatrics


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