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Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy
A Practical Approach
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Main description:

A Doody's Core Titles (R) 2020 Selection.

Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy: A Practical Approach, Second Edition provides a system-based, comprehensive overview of the theories, models, and frames of reference that influence occupational therapy around the world. Esteemed authors Marilyn B. Cole and Roseanna Tufano have updated their foundational text with an evidence-based focus derived from their experiences of more than 30 years teaching theoretical content to students.

Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy: A Practical Approach, Second Edition offers practical templates to help readers learn the key constructs of each theory and assimilate knowledge based on Mosey's organizational structure. Each theory-based chapter is designed for ease in gathering content knowledge and comparing theories in a distinctive manner. The book includes:

Summaries of the current trends found in practice, along with external influential models of health and wellness impacting populations of concern
Exploration of some of the most common occupation-based models around the world. Each model's holistic conceptual nature is described, including theoretical assumptions and practice guidelines for evaluation and intervention
Reviews of common frames of reference found in evidence-based practice, which address the secondary and tertiary needs of common populations

In this Edition, learning activities and case-based analyses strengthen the application of theory into current practice contexts. Practical guidelines assist the reader in formulating an evaluation process and determining the relevant intervention strategies that promote occupational participation, engagement, and functioning across the lifespan and the continuum of health.

Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional education material to be used for teaching in the classroom.


Dedication v
About the Authors ix
Preface xi
Section I: Applied Theories of Health and Wellness
Chapter 1. Current Trends: Occupational Therapy's Visions for the Future
The American Occupational Therapy Association's Centennial Visions
Trends From the Slagle Lectures and AOTA's Official Documents
The Evolution of Occupational Therapy
Paradigm Shifts in 20th Century Occupational Therapy
Theoretical History of Occupational Therapy
Learning Activities
Chapter 2. Models of Health and Wellness
The Medical Approach to Continuums of Care
The Biopsychosocial Model
A Global Perspective: The World Health Organization's Model
The Recovery Model in Mental Health
A Client-Centered Model of Health Care
Public Health Models of Health Care
Wilcock's Occupational Perspective of Health
Learning Activities
Chapter 3. The New Paradigm of Occupation
Occupation as a Core Concept
Systems Theory
Social Cognitive Theory
Future Directions for Occupational Therapy
Learning Activities
Chapter 4. Organization of Theory in Occupational Therapy
What Is Theory?
Levels of Theory
Contributions of Occupational Science
Occupation-Based Models
Frames of Reference
How to Evaluate Models and Frames of Reference
Learning Activities
Section II: Occupation-Based Models
Chapter 5. Occupational Behavior
Chapter 6. Model of Human Occupation
Chapter 7. The Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance Model
Chapter 8. Occupational Adaptation
Chapter 9. Ecology of Human Performance
Chapter 10. International Models: Person-Environment-Occupation,
Canadian Model of Occupational Performance, and Japanese Kawa
Chapter 11. Model Integration
Section III: Frames of Reference
Chapter 12. Applied Behavioral Frames
Chapter 13. Cognitive Behavioral Frames
Chapter 14. Social Cognition and Third Wave Cognitive Frames of Reference
Chapter 15. Biomechanical and Rehabilitative Frames
Chapter 16. Allen's Cognitive Levels Frame of Reference
Chapter 17. Toglia's Dynamic Interactional Approach
Chapter 18. Ayres' Sensory Integration Frame
Chapter 19. Sensory Motor and Processing Frames
Chapter 20. Motor Control Frames
Chapter 21. Motor Learning and Task-Oriented Frames
Chapter 22. Psychoanalytic Frames
Chapter 23. Psychodynamic-Ego-Adaptive Frames
Chapter 24. Frames of Reference Integration
Appendix 1. Theories of Lifespan Development
Appendix 2. An Existential/Humanistic Approach


ISBN-13: 9781617116360
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: December, 2019
Pages: 350
Weight: 1157g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy


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