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Main description:
"Assessment, Supervision and Support in Clinical Practice, Second Edition" addresses the complexity and challenges of learning and assessing in the clinical setting. It is a practice-centred book based on solid theory and evidence for the clinical learning and assessment strategies it provides. Critical discussions focus on how supervision, support and valid assessment nurture the development and achievemeny of competence. The new edition contains up-to-date references to educational theory and recent work on the support of learning and assessment of clinical practice. It places greater emphasis on assessment to achieve 'fitness to practice', how to avoid 'failure to fail', and how to work and learn as a member of the multi-professional team.
The purposes and nature of clinical assessment. Responsibility and accountability in clinical assessment. What do we assess? How do we assess? Conducting fair assessments. Assessment as process to support learning. Monitoring progress, making assessment decisions and giving feedback. The clinical environment as a setting for learning and professional development. Learning through clinical practice: unearthing meaning from experience. Appendices.
Publisher: Elsevier (Churchill Livingstone)
Publication date: November, 2006
Pages: 376
Dimensions: 189.00 x 246.00 x 19.00
Weight: 671g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nursing