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Athletic Training Case Scenarios
Domain-Based Situations and Solutions
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Main description:

Every case that athletic trainers respond to is unique, but by exposing themselves to a variety of scenarios, they can be prepared for almost any situation. Case studies are the easiest way to find this information, but oftentimes, they come in the form of informal anecdotes or only relate to very specific subjects. Athletic Training Case Scenarios: Domain-Based Situations and Solutions is designed to fill this gap by providing a large number of studies from all five of the domains of athletic training.

Keith M. Gorse, Francis Feld, and Robert O. Blanc have gathered true-to-life scenarios for each of the five domains of athletic training, resulting in expert advice on the best response to many possible scenarios. These scenarios were shared by the certified athletic trainers who originally responded to them coming from their work in industrial settings, high schools, colleges, professional teams, and sports medicine clinics.

Each scenario features the actual case as it was first assessed by the athletic trainer in order to give readers an opportunity to use their own judgment and decide the best course of action before the original athletic trainer's own response and recommendations are given.

Organized by domain, readers will be able to easily find examples of any case they could imagine. Each domain (prevention, evaluation and diagnosis, emergency care, treatment and rehabilitation, and organizational and professional health) has over a dozen scenarios designed to encourage critical thinking. This format gives readers the closest thing to a crash-course by exposing them to a diverse array of cases and situations.

Athletic training students and clinicians will appreciate the wide range of cases presented in Athletic Training Case Scenarios: Domain-Based Situations and Solutions, providing them with the strong knowledge base they will need to respond to any situation they may experience themselves.


About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Section I Scenarios and Resolutions
Chapter 1 Domain I: Injury/Illness Prevention and Wellness Protection
Chapter 2 Domain II: Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis
Chapter 3 Domain III: Immediate and Emergency Care
Chapter 4 Domain IV: Treatment and Rehabilitation
Chapter 5 Domain V: Organizational and Professional Health and Well-Being
Section II Appendices
Appendix A Glossary of Sports Medicine Terms
Appendix B Athletic Training Terminology
Appendix C Suggested Readings in Athletic Training
Appendix D National Athletic Trainers' Association Position, Official, Consensus, and Support Statements
Financial Disclosures


ISBN-13: 9781617119811
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: July, 2015
Pages: 250
Weight: 703g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine


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