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Atlas of Endovascular Venous Surgery
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Main description:

Expand your surgical skills with Atlas of Endovascular Venous Surgery, by Dr. Jose Almeida. This easy-to-access, highly visual reference offers the comprehensive, step-by-step guidance you need to achieve optimal outcomes in the surgical treatment of venous disorders. Detailed, full-color intraoperative illustrations and high-quality video clips capture key teaching moments, allowing you to better understand the nuances of surgery and equipping you to perform cutting-edge procedures and enhance your practice. The latest in laser-assisted distal stripping procedures, new devices for the treatment of venous reflux, and an evidence-based summary of the American Venous Forum guidelines are among many hot topics covered. What's more, you can access the fully searchable, complete text - along with image and video libraries - online at


CHAPTER 1 Venous Anatomy 1

CHAPTER 2 Noninvasive Testing 23

CHAPTER 3 Venous Pathophysiology 47

CHAPTER 4 Endovenous Thermal Ablation of Saphenous Reflux 71

CHAPTER 5 Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation 159

CHAPTER 6 Laser Thermal Ablation 173

CHAPTER 7 Chemical Ablation 185

CHAPTER 8 Treatment of Perforating Veins 201

CHAPTER 9 Ambulatory Phlebectomy 221

CHAPTER 10 Endovenous Approach to Recurrent Varicose Veins 243

CHAPTER 11 Treatment of Spider Telangiectasias 253

CHAPTER 12 Thromboembolic Disease 293

CHAPTER 13 Endovenous Placement of Inferior Vena Caval Filters 311

CHAPTER 14 Endovenous Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis 333

CHAPTER 15 Postthrombotic Syndrome 359

CHAPTER 16 Iliofemoral Venous Occlusive Disease 375

CHAPTER 17 Pelvic Congestion Syndrome and Ovarian Vein Reflux 397

CHAPTER 18 Endovenous Management of Central and Upper Extremity Veins 411

CHAPTER 19 Venous Malformations 433

CHAPTER 20 Treatment of Venous Ulcers 443

CHAPTER 21 Severity Scoring and Outcomes Measurement 457

CHAPTER 22 Evidence-Based Summary of Guidelines from the American Venous Forum and the Society for Vascular Surgery 473


ISBN-13: 9781437717907
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders)
Publication date: November, 2011
Pages: 512
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Vascular
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