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Bare Bones Anaesthetics
A medical student's guide
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Main description:

A one-stop full-colour resource which provides tailored, guideline-specific information to prepare you for your medical school examinations.

Bare Bones Anaesthetics is an exciting new text appropriate for the level of a medical student to excel in their medical school examinations. It contains all the core information you need to know and includes important MCQ and OSCE tips for those tricky situations that examiners attempt to catch medical students out on. These are highlighted throughout the textbook to emphasize their importance for your learning and to focus your understanding.

Written by a team of junior doctors, who have recently been through medical schools, the book give you the essential information in an easy-to-use format.


Chapter 1 - Principles of anaesthesia

1.1 General anaesthesia - the basics

1.2 General anaesthesia - the phases

1.3 Hypnotic agents

1.4 Neuromuscular blockers

Chapter 2 - Pre-operative assessment and planning

2.1 Anaesthetic history

2.2 Airway planning

2.3 Bloods and investigations

2.4 Co-morbidities - altering existing medications

2.5 Drugs to provide

2.6 DVT prophylaxis and other preparations for surgery

2.7 End-stage planning

2.8 Fasting

2.9 Conducting the WHO surgical checklist

Chapter 3 - Conducting anaesthesia

3.1 Induction phase

3.2 Rapid sequence induction

3.3 Maintaining anaesthesia

3.4 End of anaesthesia

Chapter 4 - Types of airway control

4.1 Airway adjuncts

4.2 Definitive airways

4.3 Non-definitive airways

Chapter 5 - Complications of anaesthesia

5.1 Complications

Chapter 6 - Local anaesthesia

6.1 What is local anaesthesia?

6.2 Types of local anaesthesia

6.3 Complications of local anaesthesia

Chapter 7 - Regional anaesthesia

7.1 Peripheral nerve blocks

7.2 Intravenous regional anaesthesia

7.3 Neuraxial anaesthesia

7.4 Epidural anaesthesia

7.5 Spinal anaesthesia

Chapter 8 - Post-operative complications

8.1 Post-operative pain

8.2 Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV)

8.3 Other post-operative complications

8.4 Post-operative pyrexia

Chapter 9 - MCQ and OSCE scenarios

9.1 MCQ questions

9.2 OSCE scenarios

Chapter 10 - Glossary and references

10.1 Glossary

10.2 References


ISBN-13: 9781911510987
Publisher: Scion Publishing Ltd
Publication date: January, 2023
Pages: 128
Dimensions: 172.00 x 244.00 x 7.00
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain


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