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Main description:
is an amalgamation of Medical and basic sciences, and is comprehensively written, revised, and updated to meet the curriculum requirements of Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Life sciences, and others studying Biochemistry as one of the subjects.
is written in a lucid style with the subject being presented as an engaging story, growing from elementary information to the most recent advances, and with theoretical discussions being supplemented with illustrations, tables, Medical concepts, clinical correlates, and case studies for easy understanding of Biochemistry.
has each chapter beginning with a four-line verse followed by the text with clinical correlates, a summary, and self-assessment exercises. the lively illustrations and text with appropriate headings and sub-headings in bold type faces facilitate reading path clarity and quick recall. All this will help the students to master the subject and boldly face the examinations.
describes a variety of case studies with Medical correlations. the case studies are listed at the end of relevant chapters for immediate reference, quick review, and better understanding of Biochemistry.
contains the basics (Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics) for beginners to learn easily Biochemistry, origins of biochemical words, confusables in Biochemistry, principles of Practical Biochemistry, and clinical Biochemistry Laboratory.
has medically/clinically oriented Biochemistry with inputs from M.D. (Biochemistry) and M.D. (General Medicine) Professors. Satisfies the new MCI/NMC curriculum with a relevant competency map, specifically giving information on competency codes with chapters and pages.
is thoroughly revised and reorganized with special focus on medical concepts/clinical correlates, case studies and current topics such as Diabetes, Cancer, Free Radicals and Antioxidants, COVID-19, etc.
I. Chemical Constituents of Life 1. Biomolecules and the cell 2. Carbohydrates 3. Lipids 4. Proteins and amino acids 5. Nucleic acids and nucleotides 6. Enzymes 7. Vitamins II. Physiological Biochemistry 8. Digestion and absorption 9. Plasma proteins 10. Hemoglobin and porphyrins 11. Biological oxidation III. Metabolisms 12. Introduction to metabolism 13. Metabolism of carbohydrates 14. Metabolism of lipids 15. Metabolism of amino acids 16. Integration of metabolism 17. Metabolism of nucleotides 18. Mineral metabolism IV. Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 19. Hormones 20. Organ function tests 21. Water, electrolyte and acid-base balance 22. Tissue proteins and body fluids 23. Nutrition V. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 24. DNA-replication, recombination and repair 25. Transcription and translation 26. Regulation of gene expression 27. Recombinant DNA and biotechnology VI. Current Topics 28. Human genome project 29. Gene therapy 30. Bioinformatics 31. Metabolism of xenobiotics (detoxification) 32. Prostaglandins and related compounds 33. Biological membranes and transport 34. Free radicals and antioxidants 35. Environmental biochemistry 36. Insulin, glucose homeostasis, and diabetes mellitus 37. Cancer 38. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) VII. Basics to Learn Biochemistry 39. Introduction to bioorganic chemistry 40. Overview of biophysical chemistry 41. Tools of biochemistry 42. Immunology 43. Genetics Appendices
Publisher: Elsevier (Elsevier India)
Publication date: November, 2021
Pages: 800
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)