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Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine in Ophthalmology
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Main description:

With an increasingly aged population, eye diseases are becoming more widespread. Biomaterials have contributed in recent years to numerous medical devices for the restoration of eyesight, improving many patients' quality of life. Consequently, biomaterials and regenerative medicine are becoming increasingly important to the advances of ophthalmology and optometry. Biomaterials and regenerative medicine in ophthalmology reviews the present status and future direction of biomaterials and regenerative medicine in this important field. Part one discusses applications in the anterior segment of the eye with chapters on such topics as advances in intraocular lenses (IOLs), synthetic corneal implants, contact lenses, and tissue engineering of the lens. Part two then reviews applications in the posterior segment of the eye with such chapters on designing hydrogels as vitreous substitutes, retinal repair and regeneration and the development of tissue engineered membranes. Chapters in Part three discuss other pertinent topics such as hydrogel sealants for wound repair in ophthalmic surgery, orbital enucleation implants and polymeric materials for orbital reconstruction.
With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Biomaterials and regenerative medicine in ophthalmology will be a standard reference for scientists and clinicians, as well as all those concerned with this ophthalmology.


An introduction to ophthalmic biomaterials and their application through tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Part 1 Applications in the anterior segment: Advances in intraocular lens development; Opacification and degradation of implanted intraocular lenses; Synthetic corneal implants; Corneal tissue engineering versus synthetic artificial corneas; Tissue engineering of human cornea; Engineering the corneal epithelial cell response to materials; Reconstruction of the ocular surface using biomaterials; Tissue engineering of the lens: fundamentals; Bioinspired biomaterials for soft contact lenses; Contact lenses: the search for superior oxygen permeability; Extended wear contact lenses. Part 2 Applications in the posterior segment: Designing hydrogels as vitreous substitutes in ophthalmic surgery; Retinal repair and regeneration; Development of tissue-engineered membranes for the culture and transplantation of retinal pigment epithelial cells. Part 3 Other applications: Hydrogel sealants for wound repair in ophthalmic surgery; Orbital enucleation implants: Biomaterials and design; Selected polymeric materials for orbital reconstruction; Physicochemical properties of hydrogels for use in ophthalmology.


ISBN-13: 9781845694432
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd
Publication date: December, 2009
Pages: 560
Dimensions: 156.00 x 234.00 x 43.00
Weight: 966g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues, Ophthalmology and Optometry


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