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Showing 10 of 35 results for "Series: Biological Magnetic Resonance"
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Published June, 2009
By Lawrence Berliner and Graeme Hanson
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Biological Magnetic Resonance

Availability: Available
This volume was conceived in 2005 at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry (EPR Symposium). It highlights the importance of high-resolution EPR spectroscopy to the structural characterization of redox active cofactors in metalloproteins.

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Published May, 2008
By Lawrence Berliner, Sandra S. Eaton, Gareth R. Eaton and Lawrence J. Berliner
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Biological Magnetic Resonance

Availability: Available
Biomedical EPR - Part A focuses on applications of EPR spectroscopy in the areas of free radicals, metals, medicine, and physiology.

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Published February, 2007
By Lawrence Berliner and Marcus A. Hemminga
Publisher: Springer (Springer US)
Series: Biological Magnetic Resonance

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)

Mixed media product
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Published October, 2006
By Pierre-Marie Robitaille and Lawrence Berliner
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Biological Magnetic Resonance

Availability: Available
The foundation for understanding the function and dynamics of biological systems is not only knowledge of their structure, but the new methodologies and applications used to determine that structure. This volume in Biological Magnetic Resonance emphasizes the methods that involve Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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Published October, 2006
By Lawrence Berliner, Christopher J. Bender and Chris Bender
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Biological Magnetic Resonance

Availability: Available
Computational and Instrumental Methods in EPR is devoted to both instrumentation and computation aspects of EPR, while addressing applications such as spin relaxation time measurements.

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