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Showing 8 of 8 results for "Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology"
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Published June, 2013
By Arnold A. Gerall, Howard Moltz and Ingeborg L. Ward
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available
Based on a large variety of experiments on both humans and animals, this volume presents novel conceptualizations of the organizing consequences of hormones throughout the lifespans of mammals.

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Published April, 2013
By Edward M. Stricker and Stephen Woods
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available
To all readers, we present this handbook as a progress report, recognizing that the present state of the ?eld is much farther along than it was the last time a handbook was published, but mindful of the likelihood that it is not as far along as it will be when the next handbook is prepared.

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Published February, 2013
By Michael S. Gazzaniga
Publisher: Springer (Springer US)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)

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Published October, 2012
By Elliott M. Blass
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available
The "functional" brain of primates, especially humans, was also made very accessible through neuroimaging with which we can look at and into brains as they solve and attempt to solve particular tasks.

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Published September, 2012
By Joseph S. Takahashi, Fred W. Turek and Robert Y. Moore
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available
The Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology series deals with the aspects of neurosciences that have the most direct and immediate bearing on behavior. It presents the most current research available in the specific areas of sensory modalities. This volume explores circadian rhythms.

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Published March, 2012
By Elliott M. Blass
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available
The volume emphasized that an understanding of central nervous system development and function can be obtained only with reference to the behaviors that it manages, and it emphasized how those behaviors, in tum, shape central development.

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Published March, 2012
By Donald Pfaff, Norman Adler, Norman T. Adler and Robert W. Goy
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available

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Published September, 2011
By Edward M. Stricker
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Series: Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology

Availability: Available
After other brain lesions in adjacent sites, rats would stop eating and drinking altogether, but ingestive behaviors would return gradu ally over a period of weeks or months despite permanent brain injury.

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