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Showing 10 of 28 results for "Series: Pocket Notebook Series"
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Published October, 2016
By Richard D. Urman and Jesse M. Ehrenfeld
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Part of the popular Pocket Notebook Series, Pocket Anesthesia, Third Edition is a practical, concise guide to anesthetic management of the most common perioperative conditions.  Now fully revised and up to date, this portable handbook provides essential information needed by residents, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, and medical students on the wards and in the operating room. The third edition keeps you current with all that’s new in the field, including ACC/AHA guideline changes and new uses of anti-coagulants, stents, and approaches to pain management.

Spiral bound
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Published April, 2016
By K. Joseph Hurt
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Ejemplar de obstetricia y ginecología de la popular serie de bolsillo, con contenido apto para la consulta rápida del estudiante, residente y profesional de la especialidad. Su contenido concentra información valiosa en un texto muy resumido conservando el ya clásico y conocido estilo de la serie de bolsillo. Organizado en 21 secciones, cubre de forma breve todo el espectro de la salud de la mujer grávida y no grávida incluyendo la atención ginecológica en paciente sana y en estados mórbidos. Los primeros capítulos abarcan la atención y control ginecológico normal (detección oportuna de cáncer, control lipídico, anticoncepción programada y de urgencia, entre otros temas), atención médica en urgencias ginecológicas y consideraciones quirúrgicas y anestésicas en la paciente ginecoobstétrica. La segunda parte trata sobre condiciones ginecológicas generales y comunes en la práctica diaria, atención ginecológica en la paciente pediátrica y adolescente y cirugía pélvica y uroginecológica. La última sección aborda el muy en boga tema de la infertilidad y sus causas más frecuentes. La siguiente sección aborda temas de obstetricia: cuidado antenatal, trabajo de parto eutócico y distócico, y padecimientos sistémicos asociados con el embarazo y organizados por sistemas corporales: cardiovascular, respiratorio, nefro-urinario, gastroenterología, hematología, endocrinología, dermatología, enfermedades infecciosas, y oncología ginecológica. Adicional al contenido textual incluye también cinco útiles apéndices con fundamentos de anatomía ginecoobstétrica, procedimientos quirúrgicos y no quirúrgicos comunes, referencia de medicamentos, algoritmos de soporte avanzado cardiológico y de resucitación neonatal básica.

Paperback / softback
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Published March, 2016
By M. Brandon Westover
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)

Spiral bound
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Published December, 2015
By Marc S. Sabatine
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Be prepared for the challenges of patients with complex cardiovascular disease!
Prepared by cardiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, this supplement to the bestselling Pocket Medicine internal medicine handbook uses bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms to put key clinical information about a broad range of problems in cardiovascular medicine at your fingertips.
  • In-depth coverage of an extensive array of cardiovascular conditions beyond what it is Pocket Medicine, including comprehensive discussions of cardiomyopathies, advanced heart failure, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, peripheral artery, renovascular, and cerebrovascular disease, wide complex tachycardias, sudden cardiac death, and electrophysiology studies.
  • Applythe latest treatment options for major cardiovascular diseases with incorporation of more detailed diagnostic testing and sophisticated treatment algorithms.
  • Provide informed, effective patient care with current, evidence-based clinical recommendations, supported by key references to the most recent practice guidelines, high-tier reviews and important clinical trials.
  • Enjoy this portable, user-friendly reference by adding Pocket Cardiology to your Pocket Medicine.
This is content is loose leaf version. You can also purchase a spiral bound version. Search ISBN: 978-1-4511-9188-2.

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Published December, 2015
By Marc S. Sabatine
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)

Spiral bound
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Published September, 2015
By Ritesh R. Shah, Jamal Boughanem and Dr. Ritesh R Shah
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Available
A compact quick-reference covering relevant pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, and glosses of medical and surgical treatment. It covers major subspecialty areas such as shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, hip, knee, foot and ankle.

Paperback / softback
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Published September, 2014
By Richard D. Zane and Joshua M. Kosowsky
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Publisher’s Note:   Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The newly updated Pocket Emergency Medicine, 3rd Edition is full of the essential information every emergency department clinician should have at their side at all times. In a reader-friendly and portable format the chapters are organized around presenting conditions to better serve actual ED treatment situations. Each chapter begins with approach to a condition, followed by concise discussion of important diagnostic categories, then highlights the essential elements of history, physical examination, testing and treatment.

  • Quick-reference outline format, lists, and tables aid quick treatment decision-making
  • Topics include chief complaints listed in alphabetical order, including trauma, pediatric emergencies, environmental exposures, airway management, distraction injuries
  • Chapters address multiple diseases, disorders and procedures, providing definition, history, evaluation, differential diagnosis, classic findings, critical studies, ED interventions, indications and contraindications, treatment and references
  • Acronym table and differential diagnosis table boxed for quick access
  • Clinical pearls throughout text offer important data and warnings on common clinical errors
  • Appendices include abbreviations, PALS protocols, information on ICU meds, important antibiotics, formulas, and common ED procedures
  • 6-ring binder with pockets for reader’s notes

Spiral bound
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Published September, 2014
By K. Joseph Hurt
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The newest addition to the indispensable Pocket Medicine series offers a range of vital clinical data on obstetrics and gynecology care. Pocket Obstetrics and Gynecology is the definitive on-the-spot, real-world guide, written by residents and packed with need to know information. Perfect for forming initial care plans during rounds. Prepare yourself today!

  • Coverage in topics including: primary care; ER; operative ob-gyn; pelvic surgery and urogynecology; infertility; prenatal care; normal labor and delivery; complicated pregnancy and delivery; cardiology; pulmonary; gastroenterology; hematology; neurology; gynecologic oncology
  • Special appendices on pelvic anatomy; common ob-gyn procedures and surgeries; drugs in OB and breastfeeding; ACLS algorithms; NRP algorithm
  • Evidence-based data with current citations
  • Chapters organized by organ systems, putting women’s health topics into general medical context – perfect for clerkship studies.
  • User-friendly Pocket Series design includes 6-ring binder with pockets in front and back and white space for reader’s notes

Paperback / softback
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Published March, 2014
By Alexander Drilon, Michael Postow and Lee Krug
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Pocket Oncology, developed and edited by oncologists at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, is a simple, yet comprehensive, review of basic principles of cancer management. Prepared in the style and format of books in the popular Pocket Notebook series, Pocket Oncology is intended as a quick reference presented in easy to read bulleted text, and using diagrams and charts where appropriate. Each oncologic disease is presented on two facing pages that review initial clinical presentation, pathophysiology, staging, current standard of care treatments, and active areas of current research. Edited by Alexander Drilon and Michael Postow, the content of the book has been written by medical oncology fellows and each disease entity has been authoritatively reviewed by an oncologist with specific expertise in each subspecialty of oncology.

Spiral bound
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Published March, 2014
By Meghan Kiefer, Curtis Chong, Dr. Meghan M. Kiefer, Dr. Curtis R. Chong, Meghan M. Kiefer and Curtis R. Chong
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Series: Pocket Notebook Series

Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Publisher’s Note:   Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Support your clinical decision making and prepare for everyday challenges in the primary care setting with Pocket Primary Care, a brand new, pocket-sized loose-leaf resource that offers the most current, evidence-based approaches to delivering quality care in the outpatient setting.

Representing the efforts of a dedicated team of primary care and specialist physicians at the Massachusetts General Hospital, this practical resource provides the key clinical data you need to manage your patients effectively and quickly.
  • Gain insights into the most up-to-date evidence-based practices, accepted best practices, and expert opinions of physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, including appropriate workups and when to refer
  • Quickly find the information you need through tabs that make it easy to locate topics of interest.
  • Customize the book to meet your specific needs by inserting your own notes into the 6-ring binder’s front and back pockets, leaving out pages you don't need, or adding others to it.
  • Get instant access to key clinical information on the most common issues seen in practice, including preventive medicine, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, GI, hematology, infectious disease, musculoskeletal complaints, neurology, ophthalmology, ENT, psychiatry, pulmonary, nephrology, women’s health, men’s health, and geriatrics.

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