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Main description:
This book highlights empirical evidence on the impact of cannabis on childhood development, from infancy up to young adulthood. With the global movement of more relaxed policies and attitudes towards cannabis use, it is important to understand the risks associated with cannabis on youth development. Bridging the gap between knowledge communications and research literature, this volume translates scientific evidence to highlight the consequences of cannabis exposure on young people's lives. Based on academic research literature, it summarizes and critically analyses a large body of scientific evidence to evaluate developmental outcomes from birth to young adulthood on physical, social, and mental health. It will appeal to students and academics, as well as policy makers, psychologists, medical professionals, and epidemiologists in the broader academic community with an interest in the topic.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Publication date: January, 2023
Pages: 120
Weight: 652g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Public Health