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Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation in Practice, 2nd Edition
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Main description:

The second edition of this textbook builds on the success of the original version by incorporating the latest developments in the clinical evidence base for cardiac rehabilitation whilst also aligning with the wider agenda in terms of commissioning and other national guidance. This edition also recognises the importance of an integrated approach to the prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease forming the foundation of every cardiac rehabilitation programme. Seven specified standards together with seven core components are presented which aim to ensure programmes are clinically effective and achieve sustainable health outcomes. Edited and written by a multidisciplinary team of experts on behalf of the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, this book provides contemporary evidence-based guidelines for standards of good practice. Special features: * An evidence-based, practical how to of the subject * Edited and written by the writing group for the BACPR 2012 Standards * With contributions from nationally and internationally recognised experts in this field


Foreword vii

List of Contributors ix

Preface xiii

Chapter 1 Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation 1
Jennifer Jones, Gill Furze, and John Buckley

Chapter 2 Standards and Core Components in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation 21
BACPR Standards Writing Group

Chapter 3 Delivering Quality Standards 47
Kathryn Carver

Chapter 4 Health Behaviour Change and Education 67
Linda Speck, Gill Furze, and Nick Brace

Chapter 5 Lifestyle Risk Factor Management 99
Jennifer Jones, John Buckley, and Gill Furze

Chapter 5A Achieving Long-term Abstinence from Tobacco Use in Patients in a Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Setting 101
Catriona Jennings and Robert West

Chapter 5B Diet and Weight Management 127
Alison Atrey and Rachel Vine

Chapter 5C Physical Activity and Exercise 151
John Buckley, Tim Grove, Sally Turner, and Samantha Breen

Chapter 6 Psychosocial Health 193
Linda Speck, Nick Brace, and Molly Byrne

Chapter 7 Medical Risk Management 227
Joe Mills, Susan Connolly, Barbara Conway, Marie-Kristelle Ross, Samantha Breen, and Dorothy J. Frizelle

Chapter 8 Long-term Management 271
Sally Hinton, Ann Marie Johnson, and Gail Sheppard

Chapter 9 Audit and Evaluation 285
Patrick Doherty, Alex Harrison, Corinna Petre, and Nerina Onion

Chapter 10 Future Prospects and International Perspectives 305
Joe Mills, Sherry L. Grace, Marie-Kristelle Ross, Caroline Chessex, Robyn Gallagher, Cate Ferry, and Vicki Wade

Index 313


ISBN-13: 9781118458693
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: April, 2020
Pages: 256
Weight: 596g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Cardiovascular Medicine, Diseases and Disorders, Midwifery


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