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Main description:
This text is written to help school counselors conceptualize the career and college readiness needs of diverse P-12 students and design culturally relevant interventions. The focus is on helping readers to translate theoretical knowledge into practice. Grounded in current data and research, the text helps counselors to design sequential and developmentally appropriate career and college readiness curricula interventions and strategies. Addressing career development and college readiness by grade level, it describes and underscores the importance of collaborative approaches and interventions supporting school/family/community partnerships. Case examples and "Voices from the Field"written by practicing school counselors demonstrate and reinforce concepts and interventions in each chapter. Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers and an instructor's manual.New to the Third Edition:
Updated workforce, educational, and demographic statistics
Enhanced content on culturally responsive school counseling practices
The impact of social media on student development
Coverage of the changing culture of higher education recruitment
Postsecondary transition planning for students with disabilities
Work-based learning opportunities career and technical education pathways
Gap year information
Verbatim advice and wisdom from experienced counselors who demonstrate concepts and interventions
Enhanced instructor's manual including sample syllabus, PowerPoints, project-based learning activities, discussion prompts, exam questions, and related online activities, games, and apps
Key Features:
Provides current data and research addressing career and college readiness needs of diverse populations
Reviews developmental, ecosystemic, and career theories
Describes interventions and strategies grounded in theory
Discusses collaborative approaches supporting school/family/community partnerships
Offers separate chapters on interventions by grade level
Mirrors the most recent versions of the ASCA National Model and CACREP standards
P - 12 Career and College Readiness: Ecosystemic, Developmental Considerations
P - 12 Career and College Readiness: Preparing All Students for a Postsecondary Plan
P - 12 Career and College Readiness: Professional Preparation
P - 12 Career and College Readiness: Cultural Considerations
P - 12 Career and College Readiness: Assessment and Evaluation
P - 12 Career and College Readiness: Curriculum Development
Career and College Readiness for Grades P - 1: Exposure and Awareness
Career and College Readiness for Grades 2 and 3: Career Play and Exploration
Career and College Readiness for Grades 4 and 5: Preparing for the Middle School Transition
Career and College Readiness for Grades 6 and 7: Promoting Self-Awareness
Career and College Readiness for Grade 8: High School Transition Planning
Career and College Readiness for Grade 9: Focus on Academic and Work Habits
Career and College Readiness for Grade 10: Career and College Planning
Career and College Readiness for Grade 11: Beginning the Career and College Transition
Career and College Readiness for Grade 12: Postsecondary Transitions
Author Index
Subject Index
Publisher: Springer (Springer Publishing Co Inc)
Publication date: November, 2021
Pages: 450
Weight: 333g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Rehabilitation