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Cataract and Lens Surgery
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Main description:

This book summarizes the current knowledge on lens surgery. Not only are the surgical procedures described in detail, but experts share with the reader many useful practical tips for individual surgical steps to achieve the best possible surgical result. In addition to the focus on surgery, pre- and post-operative care and complication management is also discussed in detail and a systematic review of the current literature is provided. Clear and concisely written chapters highlight topics such as the use of special lenses, femto-laser lens surgery, secondary lens implantation and phakic lens surgery throughout the book.
Cataract and Lens Surgery offers a practical resource for ophthalmologists who perform lens surgery in their daily clinical practice. Clinicians navigating the different types of lens preparations and properties for routine to complex procedures will find this book to be an essential guide.


Part 1: Introduction.- Chapter 1.Implantation of artificial intraocular lenses - a brief history (Thomas Neuhann).- Chapter 2. Epidemiology (Lukas Bisorca-Gassendorf).- Chapter 3. Anatomy and physiology of the anterior segment (Andreas Ohlmann).- Chapter 4. Cataract forms and grading (Christopher Wirbelauer).- Chapter 5. Optical principles (Kerstin Petermann).- Chapter 6. Digital Lens insurgery (Wolfgang J. Mayer).- Part 2: Examination.- Chapter 7. Medical history (Johannes H. Burger).- Chapter 8. Testing of visual function: visual acuity refraction contrast sensitivity (Bettina von Livonius).- Chapter 9. Assessment of optical phenomena (Gernot Steinwender).- Chapter 10. Slit lamp examination (Gernot Steinwender).- Chapter 11. Binocular vison and motility (Oliver Ehrt).- Chapter 12. Measurement of intraocular pressure (Matthias Nobl).- Chapter 13. Eyelids (Christoph Hintschich).- Chapter 14. Optical biometry (Oliver Findl).- Chapter 15. Scheimpflug tomography and measurement of higher order aberrations (Jens Buhren).- Chapter 16. OCT of the anterior segment (Nikolaus Luft).- Chapter 17. OCT of the posterior segment (Jakob Siedlecki).- Chapter 18. Measurement of endothelial cells (Gernot Steinwender).- Chapter 19. Tear film analysis (Anna Maria Schuh).- Chapter 20. Pupillometry (Helmut Wilhelm).- Chapter 21. Congenital and childhood cataract: Examination and indication for newborns and children (Gunther Rudolph).- Chapter 22. Anaesthesia for cataract surgery (Friedrich Lersch).- Part 3: Choosing the right lens.- Chapter 23. Design and material of intraocular lenses (Gerd U. Auffarth).- Chapter 24. General introduction to IOL calculation (Peter Hoffmann).- Chapter 25. Formula optimisation and use of the IOL WEB platform IOLCon (Achim Langenbucher).- Chapter 26. Surgically induced corneal astigmatism (Nino Hirnschall).- Chapter 27. Lens calculation in short and long eyes (Peter Hoffmann).- Chapter 28. IOL calculation for Part icularly dense lenses (Efstathios Vounotrypidis).- Chapter 29. Toric intraocular lens (Nino Hirnschall).- Chapter 30. Iol calculation in multifocal lenses (Annika Muller-Kassner).- Chapter 31. IOL power calculation for secondary IOL implantation (Vincent Qin).- Chapter 32. Iol power calculation after refractive surgery (Giacomo Savini).- Chapter 33. IOL calculation in patients with Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy (Carolin Kolb).- Chapter 34. IOL calculation in patients with keratectasia (Carolin Kolb).- Chapter 35. Planning lens calculation in pediatric cataract (Luc Van Os).- Chapter 36. Iol calculation in patients with retinal diseases (Efstathios Vounotrypidis).- Chapter 37. Aspheric intraocular lens: indications (Carlos Lisa).- Chapter 38. Indications for toric intraocular lenses (Myriam Boehm).- Chapter 39. Indications for multifocal and extended depth of focus intraocular lenses (Mehdi Shajari).- Chapter 40. Supplementary Intraocular Lenses (Michael Amon).- Chapter 41. Considerations in surgery of eyes with cataract and vitreo-retinal diseases (Alvin Kwan-Ho Kwok).- Chapter 42. Considerations in the amblyopic patient (Basak Bostanci Ceran).- Chapter 43. Considerations when planing Monovision (Graham D. Barrett).- Part 4: Surgical techniques.- Chapter 44. Phacodynamics (Shafak Toufeeq).- Chapter 45. General cataract surgery (Siegfried Priglinger).- Chapter 46. Lens surgery for Part icularly soft lenses (Mehdi Shajari).- Chapter 47. Surgical Techniques-Cataract Surgery in very Hard Lenses (Abhay R. Vasavada).- Chapter 48. Posterior subcapsular opacity (Jesper Hjortdal).- Chapter 49. Cataract Surgery in Short and Long Eyes (Michael J daSilva).- Chapter 50. Reduction of astigmatism by corneal incisions (Catarina Pedrosa).- Chapter 51. Special surgical features when using toric and multifocal intraocular lenses (Wolfgang J. Mayer).- Chapter 52. Corneal Complications and Management Associated with Cataract Surgery (Martin Gruterich).- Chapter 53. Iris complications and management in cataract surgery (Peter Szurman).- Chapter 54. Zonular disorders and management in cataract surgery (Thomas C. Kreutzer).- Chapter 55. Complication management in case of damage to the lens capsule or loss of lens fragments (Thomas C. Kreutzer).- Chapter 56. Extracapsular and intracapsular cataract extraction (Thomas C. Kreutzer).- Chapter 57. Biaxial (Bimanual).- Microincisional Cataract Surgery (Izzet Can).- Chapter 58. Exchange of intraocular lenses (Thomas C. Kreutzer).- Chapter 59. Implantation of anterior chamber lenses (Carl Clemente).- Chapter 60. SULCUS IOLs (Michael Amon).- Chapter 61. Retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens implantation for aphakia correction (Walter Sekundo).- Chapter 62. Implantation of scleral-fixed intraocular lenses (Thomas C. Kreutzer).- Chapter 63. Cataract surgery after trauma (Armin Wolf).- Chapter 64. Paediatric cataract surgery (G Darius Hildebrand).- Chapter 65. Cataract surgery for corneal pathologies (Loay Daas).- Chapter 66. Cataract surgery strategies for iris pathologies (Peter Szurman).- Chapter 67. Cataract surgery in special circumstances - zonular dehiscence and PEX (Mehdi Shajari).- Chapter 68. Cataract surgery for retinal diseases (Nicolas Feltgen).- Chapter 69. Cataract and Glaucoma (Marc J. Mackert).- Chapter 70. Cataract surgery in patients with radiation-induced cataract (Raffael G. Liegl).- Part 5: Systematic overview.- Chapter 71. Cataract Surgery in Eyes with Uveitis (Vita Dingerkus).- Chapter 72. Systemic overview of cataract surgery (Carolin Kolb).- Chapter 73. Aspheric intraocular lenses (Zaid Shalchi).- Chapter 74. Systematic overview of toric intraocular lenses (Stefan Palkovits).- Chapter 75. Systemic overview of monovision (Annika Muller-Kassner).- Chapter 76. Systematic overview of multifocal intraocular lenses (Annika Muller-Kassner).- Chapter 77. Intraocular lens fixation in the ciliary sulcus: a systematic overview (Jakob Siedlecki).- Chapter 78. Systematic Overview on Secondary Intraocular Lenses (Daniel R. Muth).- Chapter 79. Systematic Review of Add-on intaocular lenses (Benedikt Schworm).- Chapter 80. Systemic overview of experimental lens surgery (Christian M. Wertheimer).- Part 6: Systematic overview.- Chapter 81. Perioperative management in cataract surgery (Ingo Schmack).- Chapter 82. Posterior capsular opacification (Pankaj Singh).- Chapter 83. Refractive surprise after lens surgery - error prevention and problem management (Daniel Kook).- Chapter 84. Management of the unhappy patient (Richard Packard).- Chapter 85. Management after opacification of intraocular lenses (Ramin Khoramnia).- Chapter 86. Management after dislocation of an intraocular lens (Ramin Khoramnia).- Chapter 87. Treatment of postoperative intraocular pressure increase (Christoph Hirneiss).- Chapter 88. Treatment of postoperative cystoid macular edema (Nikolaus Luft).- Chapter 89. Postoperative inflammation (Thomas C. Kreutzer).- Chapter 90. Dry Eye Management in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery (Elisabeth M. Messmer).- Part 7: Femtosecons laser assisted lens surgery.- Chapter 91. Basic principles of the femtosecond laser-based tissue surgery (Georg Schuele).- Chapter 92. Corneal incisions with the femtosecond laser (Karl Boden).- Chapter 93. Capsulotomy using the femtosecond laser (Wolfgang J. Mayer).- Chapter 94. Fragmentation with the femtolaser (Yao Ke).- Chapter 95. Special features of cataract surgery using the femtosecond laser (Karl Boden).- Chapter 96. Comparison of conventional lens surgery to femtosecond laser-assisted lens surgery (Mehdi Shajari).- Part 8: Phakic Intraocular lenses.- Chapter 97. Overview & indications OF phakic IOLs (Martin Bechmann).- Chapter 98. Surgical techniques for the use of phakic intraocular lenses (Suphi Taneri).- Chapter 99. Management of surgical complications when implanting pIOL (Karel Van Keer).- Chapter 100. Systematic overview of phakic intraocular lenses (Christoph Lwowski).


ISBN-13: 9783031053931
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing AG)
Publication date: April, 2023
Pages: 490
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry


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