Main description:
Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lenses offers a detailed overview of intraocular lenses, as the choice of the IOL to be implanted is a critical detail in the patient selection and surgical preparation, and therefore leading to the most optimal patient results. The authors present the latest information on the most advanced diagnostic techniques and surgical decisions for IOL selection and implantation.
It covers a wide variety of topics, including monofocal IOLs, multifocal IOLs, accommodative IOLs, injectors and implantation of foldable IOLs, tear or damage of the IOL, and viscoelastic substances.
Supplemented by more than 200 colour illustrations, diagrams, a glossary, and references, all surgeons from beginner to expert will want this unique resource by their side.
About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Vittorio Picardo, MD
Section I
Chapter 1 The History of Intraocular Lenses
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 2 The Materials
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 3 Rigid Intraocular Lenses of the Past
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 4 Soft Intraocular Lenses of the Past
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 5 Currently Used Lenses
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 6 Monofocal Intraocular Lenses
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 7 Toric Intraocular Lenses 3
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 8 Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 9 Accommodative Intraocular Lenses
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 10 Mix and Match
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 11 Refractive Cataract Surgery
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 12 Intraocular Lens Exchange
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 13 Correction of Astigmatism
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 14 Vision Quality
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 15 Viscoelastic Substances
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 16 Instruments Used for Intraocular Lens Insertion
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 17 Injectors and Implantation of Foldable Intraocular Lenses
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 18 Implantation of an Intraocular Lens With Capsular Rupture
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 19 Tear or Damage of the Intraocular Lens
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 20 Irrigation/Aspiration Post Implantation
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 21 Closure of the Incision
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Chapter 22 Drugs and Fluids for Intraocular Use
Lucio Buratto, MD; Stephen F. Brint, MD, FACS; and Domenico Boccuzzi, MD, PhD
Section II
Chapter 23 Latest Generation Multifocal Intraocular Lenses and Emerging Accommodative Intraocular Lenses
Jorge L. Ali?, MD, PhD, FEBO; Felipe Soria, MD; and Ghassan Zein, MD, PhD, FRCS (Ophth) UK
Chapter 24 Avoiding and Managing Patient Dissatisfaction After Intraocular Lens Implantation
After Cataract Surgery
Johann A. Kruger, MMed Ophth, FCS (SA) Ophth, FRCS Ed Ophth
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2014
Pages: 200
Weight: 947g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry