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Chapman & Nakielny's Guide to Radiological Procedures
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Main description:

Chapman and Nakielny's Guide to Radiological Procedures has become the classic, concise guide to the common procedures in imaging with which a radiology trainee will be expected to be familiar. Now fully revised and updated in line with current practice, it will also prove invaluable to the wider clinical team that now delivers modern imaging services, including radiographers and radiology nurses, as well as a handy refresher for radiologists at all levels. The highly accessible format has been retained, with every technique described under a set of standard headings, making it ideal for both quick reference and exam preparation. The important topic of 'consent' is reflected in an additional new chapter and the latest key guidelines are referenced throughout.

New to this edition is complementary access to the complete, fully searchable eBook, making it even more practical to use than ever before, anytime, anywhere!

"Its wipe-clean cover, compact size and reasonable price make this a good value and useful asset in the office and procedure room for practitioners of all levels of expertise. Radiography and nursing staff will appreciate the information regarding room and equipment set-ups while radiologists will find it a useful primer of new and established multi-modality technique." Reviewed by: RAD, Date: May 2014

"This is a great book, which will provide the inexperienced student/member of staff with enough information to be able to appreciate and contribute to the radiological procedures they witness." Reviewed by Ruth Wilkinson, Senior Lecturer & Admissions Tutor - Diagnostic Radiography, Collegiate Crescent Campus, Sheffield Hallam University Date: July 2014


General notes. Intravascular contrast media. Gastrointestinal tract. Liver, biliary tract and pancreas. Urinary tract. Reproductive system. Respiratory system. Heart. Arterial system. Venous system. Lymph glands, lymphatics and tumours. Bones and joints. Brain. Spine. Lacrimal system and salivary glands. Thyroid and parathyroids. Breast. Sedation and monitoring. Medical emergencies. Patient consent. Appendices.


ISBN-13: 9780702051814
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders Ltd.)
Publication date: November, 2013
Pages: 432
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Radiology
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