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Child Abuse and Neglect
A Diagnostic Guide For Physicians, Surgeons, Pathologists, Dentists, Nurses and Social Workers
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Main description:

The doctor, dentist or related professional who treats children has a moral and legal obligation to diagnose correctly suspected maltreatment and to report it to the proper authorities. These obligations may bring the doctor into contact with the child protection system as well as the courts. The practitioner needs to be prepared for court testimony, and a foundation of knowledge about child maltreatment is essential. This book provides unparalleled images to assist the physician and dentist in recognizing, diagnosing, and reporting child abuse and neglect. Written by and for professionals in disciplines ranging from general and child abuse pediatrics, to surgery, emergency medicine, pathology, dentistry, nursing and social work, the book reflects current, and increasing, knowledge in this field. The authors stress throughout the importance of including a broad and representative range of possibilities in their differential diagnoses so that a non-inflicted condition is not labeled child abuse, and an inflicted injury cannot be mistaken for a more innocent condition.


Introduction Bruises Abusive burns Cutaneous conditions mimicking child abuse Imaging child abuse Ocular trauma Otolaryngologic manifestations of abuse and neglect Recognition of child abuse and neglect by dentists, health and child care professionals and law enforcement Abusive abdominal trauma Anogenital findings and child sexual abuse Child maltreatment fatalities Failure to thrive Munchausen syndrome by proxy Index


ISBN-13: 9781840765915
Publisher: Manson Publishing Ltd
Publication date: March, 2010
Pages: 272
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Paediatrics and Neonatal


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