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Child Health Nursing: Comprehensive Version
Partnering with Children and Families
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Main description:

Child-Health Nursing: Partnering with Children and Families 2e reflects the core value of family-centered care. Partnership! continues to be the foundation for this second edition, comprehensive and reader-friendly pediatric nursing reference book. Written by leaders in the field of Pediatric Nursing, this book simplifies the content of pediatric nursing in a practical format that makes it easy for users to learn and professors to teach. Recognizing the family as the central influence in each child,s life and respect for families of all cultures, continues to make this text a first in its class! New features in this edition include: Anatomy & Physiology and Pediatric Differences review at the beginning of the systems chapters; A Day in the Life of a Nurse which focuses on the nurse in a specialty, such as a school nurse or a hospital nurse; and NCLEX- RN review questions to the end of each chapter.


Child Health Nursing 2e 1 Nurse,s Role in the Care of the Child: Hospital, Community Settings, and Home 2 Family-Centered Care: Theory and Applications 3 Cultural Influences 4 Genetic and Hereditary Influences 5 Concepts of Growth and Development 6 Child and Family Communication 7 Pediatric and Newborn Assessment 8 Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition 9 Concepts of Health Promotion and Health Maintenance 10 Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Newborn 11 Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Infant 12 Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Toddler and Preschooler 13 Health Promotion and Maintenance of the School-Age Child 14 Health Promotion and Maintenance of the Adolescent 15 Nursing Care for the Child in the Community 16 Nursing Care for the Hospitalized Child 17 Pain Assessment and Management 18 Social and Environmental Influences on the Child 19 Infectious and Communicable Diseases 20 Nursing Care of the Child with a Chronic Condition 21 Nursing Care of the Child with a Life Threatening Illness or Injury 22 End of Life Care and Bereavement 23 Alterations in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance 24 Alterations in Eye, Ear Nose, and Throat Function 25 Alterations in Respiratory Function 26 Alterations in Cardiovascular Function 27 Alterations in Immune Function 28 Alterations in Hematologic Function 29 Alterations in Cellular Growth 30 Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function 31 Alterations in Genitourinary Function 32 Alterations in Endocrine and Metabolic Function 33 Alterations in Neurologic Function 34 Alterations in Cognition and Mental Health 35 Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function 36 Alterations in Skin Integrity


ISBN-13: 9780135153819
Publisher: Pearson (Prentice-Hall)
Publication date: March, 2009
Pages: 1776
Dimensions: 225.00 x 285.00 x 63.00
Weight: 3796g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nursing


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