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Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Current Outlook and Novel Pathophysiological Insights
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Main description:

Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Current Outlook and Novel Pathophysiological Insights provides a holistic view of the disease, discussing not only its classical complications but also the under recognized and managed conditions associated with diabetes. Chapters also discuss advances in our understanding of the genomic architecture of diabetes complications and how precision medicine can be used to personalize their management. Endocrinologists, diabetologists, primary care physicians and researchers interested in complications of diabetes mellitus and cutting-edge information will find this to be a comprehensive tome on the topic.

Diabetes complications include pathological changes usually related to the vascular system and classical target organs. However, there are also nonclassical complications independent or partially independent from vascular damage that are often overlooked.


Introductory chapters
1. Overview on chronic complications of diabetes mellitus
2. Epidemiology of chronic complications: A global perspective
3. Molecular mechanisms involved in hyperglycemia-induced cellular damage
4. Vascular calcification in diabetes mellitus: Molecular mechanisms and clinical implications

Classical complications
5. Pathogenesis of diabetic atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
6. Chronic kidney disease in diabetes: Current concepts
7. Diabetic retinopathy: New insights
8. Macular edema: A fearful complication of diabetic eye disease
9. The eye as a mirror of neuronal impairment
10. Diabetic neuropathy: Current issues in diagnosis and prevention

Non-classical complications
11. Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of non-classical targets of microangiopathy
12. Diabetic bone disease: Metabolic and microvascular damage
13. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: What's before and what are the consequences
14. The diabetic lung
15. Diabetic cardiomyopathy: Pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical consequences
16. Diabetes-related cognitive impairment and dementia in diabetes
17. Cancer in diabetes: Who is who?

Outlook in management issues
18. Metabolic memory: what is in it?
19. HbA1c, or glucose variability for causing diabetic complications?
20. Current perspectives on prevention of cardiovascular disease in diabetes
21. Prevention and management of chronic kidney disease in diabetes
22. Heart failure in diabetes: Current clinical management
23. Diabetic eye disease: Novel therapeutic strategies
24. Diabetic foot disease: Recent therapeutic progress


ISBN-13: 9780323884266
Publisher: Elsevier (Academic Press Inc)
Publication date: September, 2023
Pages: 300
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Endocrinology


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