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Main description:
The only skills book of its kind!
Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-Based Approach, Volume III, 2nd edition is designed to meet the specific needs and approach of concept-based nursing programs in teaching key nursing skills. Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-based Approach is the third volume in a three-volume concept-based textbook series and presents more than 435 of the most important skills performed by nurses including common variations. This second edition has been revised, restructured, and updated to reflect the most current nursing practices and standards.
Each skill is characterized by an overarching concept and is presented in exceptional step-by-step detail with beautiful, real-life illustrations, which help students visualize exactly how each skill is completed.
Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-based Approach is available packaged with MyNursingLab (R) for Concepts. MyNursingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that truly engages students in learning. It helps students review, remember, and apply key concepts-resulting in better performance in the course-and provides educators with a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class progress.
Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyNursingLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Teaching and Learning Experience
To provide a better teaching and learning experience, for both instructors and students, this program will help:
Improve Results: MyNursingLab better prepares students for the classroom, skills lab and beyond.
Develop Clinical Reasoning Skills for Today and Tomorrow: Students are encouraged to think creatively and critically about nursing care.
Teach Evidence-based Nursing Skills: Nursing skills are taught using an easy-to-follow approach based on the most updated research and nursing standards.
Chapter 1 Assessments
(General Assessment)
SKILL 1.1 Assessing Appearance and Mental Status
SKILL 1.2 Measuring Height for Child and Adult
VARIATION Measuring Length of an Infant or Small Child
SKILL 1.3 Measuring Weight for Child and Adult
SKILL 1.4 Measuring Body Mass Index
SKILL 1.5 Measuring the Newborn's Head, Chest, and Abdomen
(Vital Signs)
SKILL 1.6 Assessing Body Temperature
VARIATION Measuring an Infant or Child's Temperature
VARIATION Using an Infrared Thermometer for Tympanic Temperature
VARIATION Using an Infrared Scanner Thermometer
VARIATION Using a Heat-Sensitive Wearable Thermometer
SKILL 1.7 Assessing an Apical Pulse
SKILL 1.8 Assessing Peripheral Pulses
VARIATION Using a Doppler Ultrasound Device (DUS)
SKILL 1.9 Assessing Respirations
VARIATION Assessing the Respiratory Rate of an Infant and Child
SKILL 1.10 Assessing Blood Pressure
VARIATION Obtaining a Blood Pressure by the Palpation Method
VARIATION Taking a Thigh Blood Pressure
VARIATION Using an Electronic Blood Pressure Monitoring Device
VARIATION Assessing Blood Pressure of Infant and Child
SKILL 1.11 Using a Pulse Oximeter
(Complete Assessment)
SKILL 1.12 Assessing the Skin
SKILL 1.13 Assessing the Hair
SKILL 1.14 Assessing the Nails
SKILL 1.15 Assessing the Musculoskeletal System
SKILL 1.16 Assessing the Neurologic System
SKILL 1.17 Assessing the Skull and Face
SKILL 1.18 Assessing the Eyes and Vision
SKILL 1.19 Assessing Visual Acuity
VARIATION Snellen Letter Chart
VARIATION HOTV, Snellen E, or Picture Chart
SKILL 1.20 Assessing the Ears and Hearing
VARIATION Positioning a Child for an Otoscopic Examination
VARIATION Assessing Hearing Acuity in Children
SKILL 1.22 Assessing the Nose and Sinuses
SKILL 1.23 Assessing the Mouth and Oropharynx
SKILL 1.24 Assessing the Neck
SKILL 1.25 Assessing the Thorax and Lungs
SKILL 1.26 Assessing the Heart and Central Vessels
SKILL 1.27 Assessing the Peripheral Vascular System
SKILL 1.28 Assessing the Neurovascular Status
SKILL 1.29 Assessing the Breasts and Axillae
SKILL 1.30 Assessing the Abdomen
SKILL 1.31 Assessing the Female Genitals and Inguinal Area
SKILL 1.32 Assessing the Male Genitalia and Inguinal Area
SKILL 1.33 Assessing the Anus
Chapter 2 Caring Interventions
(Beds and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs))
SKILL 2.1 Changing an Unoccupied Bed
VARIATION Making a Surgical Bed
SKILL 2.2 Changing an Occupied Bed
New! SKILL 2.3 Providing Morning and Evening Care
VARIATION Artificial Dentures
SKILL 2.4 Providing Special Oral Care for the Unconscious or Debilitated Client
SKILL 2.5 Bathing an Adult or Pediatric Client
VARIATION Bathing Using a Hydraulic Bathtub Chair
VARIATION Bathing Using a Disposable System
VARIATION Bathing an Infant
SKILL 2.6 Changing Gown for Client with an IV
SKILL 2.7 Providing Perineal-Genital Care
SKILL 2.8 Shaving a Male Client
SKILL 2.9 Providing Hair Care
VARIATION Hair Care for African American Clients
SKILL 2.10 Shampooing Hair
SKILL 2.11 Identifying and Removing Lice and Nits (Lice Eggs)
VARIATION Removing Lice and Nits
SKILL 2.12 Providing Foot Care
SKILL 2.13 Providing Routine Eye Care
SKILL 2.14 Removing and Cleaning Contact Lenses
SKILL 2.15 Removing, Cleaning, and Inserting a Hearing Aid
(Medication Administration)
SKILL 2.16 Preparing for Medication Administration
SKILL 2.17 Administering Medication Protocol
SKILL 2.18 Using the Narcotic Control System
SKILL 2.19 Using an Automated Dispensing System
(Medication Preparation)
SKILL 2.20 Calculating Dosages
SKILL 2.21 Preparing Medications from Ampules
SKILL 2.22 Preparing Medications from Vials
VARIATION Preparing and Using Multidose Vials
SKILL 2.23 Mixing Medications Using One Syringe
VARIATION Mixing Insulins
(Common Medication Routes)
SKILL 2.24 Administering Oral Medications
SKILL 2.25 Administering Medications by Enteral Tube
SKILL 2.26 Administering Sublingual Medications
SKILL 2.27 Administering Ophthalmic Medications
VARIATION Eye Irrigation
SKILL 2.28 Administering Otic Medications
VARIATION Ear Irrigation
SKILL 2.29 Administering Nasal Medications
SKILL 2.30 Administering Metered-Dose Inhaler Medications
SKILL 2.31 Administering Dry Powder Inhaled (DPI) Medications
SKILL 2.32 Administering Medications by Nonpressurized (Nebulized) Aerosol (NPA)
SKILL 2.33 Administering Topical Medications
SKILL 2.34 Applying a Transdermal Medication Patch
SKILL 2.35 Administering Vaginal Medications
SKILL 2.36 Administering Rectal Medications
(Parenteral Routes)
SKILL 2.37 Administering Intradermal Injections
SKILL 2.38 Administering Subcutaneous Injections
SKILL 2.39 Administering Subcutaneous Anticoagulants (Heparin, LMWH, Arixtra)
SKILL 2.40 Administering Intramuscular (IM) Injections
VARIATION Ventrogluteal Injection Site
VARIATION Vastus Lateralis Injection Site
VARIATION Deltoid IM Injection Site
SKILL 2.41 Using Z-Track Method
SKILL 2.42 Adding Medications to Intravenous Fluid Containers
SKILL 2.43 Administering Intermittent Intravenous Medication Using a Secondary Set
VARIATION Using a Saline Lock
VARIATION Adding a Medication to a Volume-Control Infusion
SKILL 2.44 Administering Intravenous Medications Using IV Push
VARIATION Positioning a Child for Injections or Intravenous Access
NEW! Chapter 3 Cellular Regulation
SKILL 3.1 Assisting with Bone Marrow Aspiration
SKILL 3.2 Administering Blood Transfusions
SKILL 3.3 Administering Blood Components
Chapter 4 Comfort
Acute/Chronic Pain Management
SKILL 4.1 Assessing the Client in Pain
VARIATION Daily Pain Diary
VARIATION Child Pain Assessment
SKILL 4.2 Teaching Controlled Breathing
SKILL 4.3 Teaching Progressive Muscle Relaxations
SKILL 4.4 Providing a Back Massage
SKILL 4.5 Assisting with Guided Imagery
New! SKILL 4.6 Teaching Bedtime Strategies to Promote and Regulate Sleep
SKILL 4.7 Managing a TENS Unit
SKILL 4.8 Managing Pain with a PCA Pump
(Heat and Cold Application)
SKILL 4.9 Applying Dry Heat Measures
VARIATION Hot Water Bottle
VARIATION Electric Heating Pad
VARIATION Aquathermia Pad
VARIATION Disposable Hot Pack
SKILL 4.10 Applying Compresses and Moist Packs
SKILL 4.11 Assisting with a Sitz Bath
SKILL 4.12 Providing Tepid Sponges
SKILL 4.13 Using a Neonatal Incubator/Infant Radiant Warmer
SKILL 4.14 Applying Dry Cold Measures: Ice Bag, Ice Collar, Ice Glove, Disposable Cold Pack
VARIATION Ice Bag, Collar, or Glove
VARIATION Disposable Cold Pack
SKILL 4.15 Using a Cooling Blanket
(End-of-Life Care)
SKILL 4.16 Meeting the Physiologic Needs of the Client Who Is Dying
SKILL 4.17 Performing Postmortem Care
NEW! Chapter 5 Digestion
New! SKILL 5.1 Stress Reduction Strategies for Mealtimes
VARIATION Serving a Food Tray
New! VARIATION Teaching Relaxation Strategies for Mealtime
New! SKILL 5.2 Eating Modifications with Chronic Digestive Disorders
New! SKILL 5.3 Managing a Therapeutic Diet
New! SKILL 5.4 Using Enteric Contact Precautions
VARIATION Removing PPE Utilizing Standard Precautions
Chapter 6 Elimination
(Assessment - Collecting Specimens)
SKILL 6.1 Collecting a Routine Urine Specimen
SKILL 6.2 Collecting a Timed Urine Specimen
SKILL 6.3 Collecting a Urine Specimen for Culture and Sensitivity by the Clean-Catch Method
VARIATION Obtaining a Urine Specimen from a Closed Drainage System
SKILL 6.4 Obtaining a Urine Specimen from an Ileal Conduit
SKILL 6.5 Performing Urine Tests
New! SKILL 6.6 Using a Bladder Scanner
SKILL 6.7 Obtaining & Testing Stool Specimen
SKILL 6.8 Collecting Stool for Bacterial Culture
SKILL 6.9 Teaching Parents to Test for Pinworms
SKILL 6.10 Collecting Stool for Ova and Parasites
(Bladder Interventions)
SKILL 6.11 Assisting with a Bedpan
SKILL 6.12 Assisting with a Urinal
SKILL 6.13 Assisting Client to the Commode
SKILL 6.14 Applying an External Urinary Device
SKILL 6.15 Performing Urinary Catheterization
SKILL 6.16 Performing Catheter Care and Removal
SKILL 6.17 Performing Bladder Irrigation
VARIATION Open Irrigation Using a Two-Day Indwelling Catheter
SKILL 6.18 Maintaining Continuous Bladder Irrigation
SKILL 6.19 Providing Subrapubic Catheter Care
SKILL 6.20 Performing Urinary Ostomy Care
SKILL 6.21 Applying a Urinary Diversion Pouch
(Bowel Interventions)
SKILL 6.22 Developing a Regular Bowel Routine
SKILL 6.23 Inserting a Rectal Tube
SKILL 6.24 Removing Fecal Impaction
SKILL 6.25 Administering an Enema
VARIATION Administering an Enema to an Incontinent Client
VARIATION Administering a Return-Flow Enema
SKILL 6.26 Administering a Retention Enema -
SKILL 6.27 Applying a Fecal Ostomy Pouch
SKILL 6.28 Changing a Bowel Diversion Ostomy Appliance
VARIATION Emptying a Drainage Pouch
SKILL 6.29 Assisting with Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Insertion
SKILL 6.30 Conducting Peritoneal Dialysis Procedures
SKILL 6.31 Providing Hemodialysis
SKILL 6.32 Providing Ongoing Care of the Hemodialysis Client
SKILL 6.33 Terminating Hemodialysis
SKILL 6.34 Maintaining Central Venous Dual-Lumen Dialysis Catheter (DLC)
(Home Care)
SKILL 6.35 Using Clean Technique for Intermittent Self-Catheterization
SKILL 6.36 Providing Instructions to the Client about Suprapubic Catheter Care
SKILL 6.37 Administering Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
SKILL 6.38 Changing Dressing for a CAPD Client
SKILL 6.39 Instructing Client in Colostomy Irrigation
Chapter 7 Fluids and Electrolytes
SKILL 7.1 Monitoring Intake and Output
(Intravenous Therapy)
SKILL 7.2 Establishing Intravenous Infusions
VARIATION Starting an Infusion on a Central Line
SKILL 7.3 Performing Venipuncture with All Variations
SKILL 7.4 Regulating Infusion Flow Rate
VARIATION: Manually Setting Flow Rate
SKILL 7.5 Using an Infusion Pump or Controller
SKILL 7.6 Using a "Smart" Pump
SKILL 7.7 Using a Syringe Pump (mini-infuser pump)
SKILL 7.8 Maintaining Infusions
SKILL 7.9 Maintaining Intermittent Infusion Devices
SKILL 7.10 Discontinuing Infusion Devices
SKILL 7.11 Infusing IV Fluids through a Central Line
SKILL 7.12 Assisting with Percutaneous Central Vascular Catheterization
SKILL 7.13 Managing Central Lines
SKILL 7.14 Changing a Central Line Dressing
SKILL 7.15 Working with Implanted Vascular Access Devices
VARIATION Obtaining a Blood Specimen
SKILL 7.16 Changing a PICC Line Dressing
Chapter 8 Infection
SKILL 8.1 Hand Hygiene (Medical Asepsis)
VARIATION Using Waterless Antiseptic Agents (Foams or Gels)
(Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Isolation Precautions)
SKILL 8.2 Latex Precautions
SKILL 8.3 Donning & Removing Clean Gloves
SKILL 8.4 Donning and Removing Isolation Attire
SKILL 8.5 Using a Mask
SKILL 8.6 Assessing Vital Signs of an Infectious Client
SKILL 8.7 Removing Items from Isolation Room
SKILL 8.8 Removing Specimen from Isolation Room
SKILL 8.9 Transporting Isolation Client Outside Room
SKILL 8.10 Removing Soiled Large Equipment from Isolation Room
(Personal Protective Equipment at Home)
SKILL 8.12 Preparing for Client Care
SKILL 8.13 Disposing of Waste Material in the Home Setting
SKILL 8.14 Caring for an AIDS or HIV Client in the Home Setting
SKILL 8.15 Teaching Preventive Measures in the Home Setting
SKILL 8.16 Teaching Safer Practices to IV Drug Users
NEW! Chapter 9 Intracranial Regulation
SKILL 9.1 Glasgow Coma Scale
SKILL 9.2 Assisting with Lumbar Puncture
VARIATION: Positioning a Child for Lumbar Puncture
SKILL 9.3 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Daily Care
SKILL 9.4 Implementing Seizure Precautions
Chapter 10 Metabolism
New! SKILL 10.1 Assessing for Endocrine Disorders
New! SKILL 10.2 Teaching Clients Lifestyle and Behavioral Modification Strategies for Endocrine Disorders
SKILL 10.3 Assisting with Paracentesis
New! SKILL 10.4 Nursing Management of the Client with Diabetes
SKILL 10.5 Obtaining a Capillary Blood Specimen and Measuring Blood Glucose
SKILL 10.6 Preparing Insulin Injections
VARIATION: Using an Insulin Pen
SKILL 10.7 Using an Insulin Pump
Chapter 11 Mobility
SKILL 11.1 Applying Body Mechanics
SKILL 11.2 Performing Passive Range of Motion Exercises
(Positioning a Client)
SKILL 11.3 Supporting the Client's Position in Bed
VARIATION Supporting a Client in Fowler's Position
VARIATION Supporting a Client in the Dorsal Recumbent Position
VARIATION Supporting a Client in the Prone Position
VARIATION Supporting a Client in the Lateral Position
VARIATION Supporting a Client in the Sims' Position
(Moving and Transferring a Client)
SKILL 11.4 Moving a Client Up in Bed
VARIATION: Two Nurses Using a Turn Sheet
SKILL 11.5 Turning a Client to the Lateral or Prone Position in Bed
VARIATION Turning the Client to a Prone Position
SKILL 11.6 Logrolling a Client
SKILL 11.7 Assisting the Client to Sit on Side of Bed (Dangle)
SKILL 11.8 Transferring Between Bed and Chair
VARIATION: Angling the Wheelchair
VARIATION: Transferring with a Belt and Two Nurses
VARIATION: Transferring a Client with an Injured Lower Extremity
VARIATION: Using a Sliding Board
SKILL 11.9 Transferring Between Bed and Stretcher
VARIATION Using a Transfer Board
SKILL 11.10 Using a Hydraulic Lift
SKILL 11.11 Assisting the Client to Ambulate
SKILL 11.12 Transferring the Infant or Toddler
VARIATION: Transport of the Toddler
(Client Using Assistive Devices)
Assessing for Fall Prevention
SKILL 11.13 Assisting the Client to Use a Cane
SKILL 11.14 Assisting the Client to Use Crutches
VARIATION Four-Point Alternate Gait
VARIATION Three-Point Gait
VARIATION Two-Point Alternate Gait
VARIATION Swing-to Gait
VARIATION Swing-through Gait
VARIATION Getting into a Chair
VARIATION Getting out of a Chair
VARIATION Going up Stairs
VARIATION Going down Stairs
SKILL 11.15 Assisting the Client to Use a Walker
(Traction and Cast Care)
SKILL 11.16 Caring for Clients in Traction
VARIATION Caring for the Client in Skin Traction
VARIATION: Applying and Monitoring Skin Traction for a Child
VARIATION Skeletal Traction
SKILL 11.17 Performing Initial Cast Care
SKILL 11.18 Performing Ongoing Cast Care
VARIATION: Plaster Cast
VARIATION: Synthetic Cast
VARIATION: Caring for a Child with a Cast
New! Chapter 12 Nutrition
New! SKILL 12.1 Taking a Nutritional Assessment
SKILL 12.2 Assisting an Adult to Eat
SKILL 12.3 Assisting the Dysphagic Client to Eat
(Enteral Nutrition Using a Feeding Tube)
SKILL 12.4 Inserting a Nasogastric Tube
SKILL 12.5 Flushing/Maintaining a Nasogastric NG (Tube)
SKILL 12.6 Performing Gastric Lavage
SKILL 12.7 Removing a Nasogastric Tube
SKILL 12.8 Administering a Tube Feeding
VARIATION Feeding Bag (Open System)
VARIATION Syringe (Open System)
VARIATION Prefilled Bottle with Drip Chamber (Closed System)
VARIATION Continuous-Drip Feeding
SKILL 12.9 Administering a Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy Feeding
SKILL 12.10 Providing Continuous Feeding via Small-Bore Nasointestinal/Jejunostomy Tube
(Parenteral Nutrients Using Intravenous Infusion)
SKILL 12.11 Providing Total Parental Nutrition
SKILL 12.12 Infusing IV Lipids
Chapter 13 Oxygenation
SKILL 13.1 Collecting a Sputum Specimen
SKILL 13.2 Obtaining Nose and Throat Specimens
VARIATION: Obtaining a Throat Specimen
VARIATION: Obtaining a Nasal Specimen
VARIATION Obtaining a Nasopharyngeal Culture
SKILL 13.3 Measuring Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
SKILL 13.4 Using an Incentive Spirometer
VARIATION: Flow-Oriented Incentive Spirometer
VARIATION: Volume-Oriented Incentive Spirometer
VARIATION: All Devices
SKILL 13.5 Pursed-Lip Breathing
SKILL 13.6 Preparing the Client for Chest Physiotherapy (CPT)
SKILL 13.7 Assisting with Thoracentesis
(Supplemental Oxygen Therapy)
SKILL 13.8 Using a Portable Oxygen Cylinder
SKILL 13.9 Administering Oxygen by Nasal Cannula, Face Masks, or Face Tent
VARIATION: Using a Nasal Cannula
VARIATION: Using a Low-Flow Oxygen Nasal Cannula
VARIATION: Using a High-Flow Oxygen Nasal Cannula
VARIATION: Using a Face Masks
VARIATION: Using a Simple Face Mask
VARIATION: Using a Partial Rebreather Mask
VARIATION: Using a Nonrebreather Mask
VARIATION: Using a Venturi Face Mask
VARIATION: Using a Face Tent
VARIATION: Providing Oxygen Via a Tracheostomy with a T-Tube or Tracheostomy Collar
VARIATION: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) or Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
SKILL 13.10 Caring for the Client on a Mechanical Ventilator
(Maintaining a Patent Airway)
SKILL 13.11 Inserting an Oropharyngeal Airway
SKILL 13.12 Inserting a Nasopharyngeal Airway (Nasal Trumpet)
SKILL 13.13 Assisting with Endotracheal Intubation
SKILL 13.14 Inflating a Tracheal Tube Cuff
SKILL 13.15 Providing Care for the Client with an Endotracheal Tube
SKILL 13.16 Extubating the Client with an Endotracheal Tube
SKILL 13.17 Oropharyngeal, Nasopharyngeal and Nasotracheal Suctioning
VARIATION Performing Nasal Pharyngeal Suctioning on an Infant
VARIATION Suctioning an Infant with a Bulb Syringe
SKILL 13.18 Suctioning a the Client with a Tracheostomy or Endrotracheal Tube
VARIATION Closed Suction System (In-line Catheter)
SKILL 13.19 Providing Tracheostomy Care
VARIATION Using a Disposable Inner Cannula
(Maintaining Lung Expansion)
SKILL 13.20 Assisting with Chest Tube Insertion
SKILL 13.21 Maintaining Chest Tube Drainage
SKILL 13.22 Assisting with Chest Tube Removal
(Life-Threatening Respiratory Actions)
SKILL 13.23 Clearing an Obstructed Airway
VARIATION Chest Thrusts
SKILL 13.24 Performing Rescue Breathing
SKILL 13.25 Administering External Cardiac Compressions
VARIATION CPR Performed by Two Rescuers
Chapter 14 Perfusion
SKILL 14.1 Using Digital Pressure
SKILL 14.2 Using Pressure Dressing
(Anti-Embolic Devices)
SKILL 14.3 Applying Antiemboli Stockings (Graduated Compression Stocking and Elastic Stockings)
SKILL 14.4 Applying Pneumatic Compression Devices
SKILL 14.5 Applying Sequential Compression Devices (SCDs)
(Electrical Conduction in the Heart)
SKILL 14.6 Monitoring Clients on Telemetry (Applying ECG Leads)
SKILL 14.7 Interpreting an ECG Strip
SKILL 14.8 Recording a 12-Lead ECG
SKILL 14.9 Monitoring Temporary Cardiac Pacing (Transvenous, Epicardial)
SKILL 14.10 Assisting with Pacemaker Insertion
SKILL 14.11 Maintaining Temporary Pacemaker Function
SKILL 14.12 Providing Permanent Pacemaker Client Teaching
SKILL 14.13 Administering Automated External Defibrillation Adult
(Arterial Line Care)
SKILL 14.14 Performing the Allen Test
SKILL 14.15 Assisting with Arterial Line Insertion
SKILL 14.16 Monitoring Arterial Blood Pressure
SKILL 14.17 Withdrawing Arterial Blood Samples
SKILL 14.18 Removing Arterial Catheter
New! Chapter 15 Perioperative Care
New! SKILL 15.1 Conducting Preoperative Teaching
SKILL 15.2. Performing Surgical Hand Antisepsis/Scrubs
VARIATION Surgical Hand Antisepsis/Hand Scrub Using Alcohol-Based Surgical Hand Rub
(Using Sterile Technique)
SKILL 15.3. Donning Sterile Gown aand Gloves (Closed Method)
SKILL 15.4. Preparing the Surgical Site
SKILL 15.5 Preparing the Client for Surgery
SKILL 15.6 Pouring from a Sterile Container
SKILL 15.7 Preparing a Sterile Field Using Prepackaged Supplies
SKILL 15.8 Preparing for Dressing Change Using Individual Supplies
SKILL 15.9 Changing a Dry Sterile Dressing
SKILL 15.10 Removing Sutures
SKILL 15.11 Removing Staples
Chapter 16 Reproduction
(Antepartum Care)
SKILL 16.1 Maternal and Newborn Assessments
SKILL 16.2 Assisting with a Pelvic Examination
SKILL 16.3 Assessing Deep Tendon Reflexes and Clonus
SKILL 16.4 Assessment of Fetal Well-Being: Nonstress Test (NST)
SKILL 16.5 Assessment of Fetal Well-Being: Contraction Stress Test (CST)
SKILL 16.6 Assessment of Fetal Well-Being: Biophysical Profile (BPP)
SKILL 16.7 Performing an Intrapartal Vaginal Examination
SKILL 16.8 Administration of Rh Immune Globulin (RhoGAM, HypRho-D)
SKILL 16.9 Assisting During Amniocentesis
(Intrapartum Care)
SKILL 16.10 Assisting with Amniotomy (AROM: Artificial Rupture of Membranes)
SKILL 16.11 Auscultating Fetal Heart Rate
SKILL 16.12 External Electronic Fetal Monitoring
SKILL 16.13 Internal Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Application of Fetal Scalp Electrode
SKILL 16.14 Assisting with and Monitoring of Woman Undergoing Induction of Labor
SKILL 16.15 Assisting with and Caring for the Woman with an Epidural
SKILL 16.16 Care of the Woman with Prolapsed Cord
(Postpartum Care)
SKILL 16.17 Postpartum Perineal Assessment
SKILL 16.18 Assessing the Uterine Fundus Following Vaginal or Cesarean Birth
SKILL 16.19 Evaluating the Lochia
SKILL 16.20 Assisting with Breastfeeding after Childbirth
(Newborn Care)
SKILL 16.21 Assessing Newborn APGAR Scores
SKILL 16.22 Thermoregulation of the Newborn
SKILL 16.23 Umbilical Cord Clamp: Application, Care, and Removal
SKILL 16.24 Assisting with Circumcision and Providing Circumcision Care
SKILL 16.25 Initial Newborn Bath
SKILL 16.26 The Infant Receiving Phototherapy
New! Chapter 17 Safety
SKILL 17.1 Maintaining Nurses' Safety
SKILL 17.2 Evaluating Client's Safety
SKILL 17.3 Assessing for Elder Abuse
(Assessing Injury Prevention )
SKILL 17.4 Assessing Caregiver's Safety
(Environmental Safety)
SKILL 17.5 Providing Safety for Clients During a Fire
SKILL 17.6 Preventing Thermal/Electrical Injuries
(Assessing Environmental Safety)
SKILL 17.7 Evaluating the Home Environment
SKILL 17.8 Administering Poison Control Agents
(Immobilizers and Restraints)
SKILL 17.9 Applying a Papoose Board Immobilizer
SKILL 17.10 Applying a Mummy Immobilizer
SKILL 17.11 Applying Wrist or Ankle Restraint
SKILL 17.12 Applying Torso/Belt Restraints
SKILL 17.13 Managing Clients in Restraints
SKILL 17.14 Using a Bed or Chair Exit Safety Monitoring Device
Chapter 18 Tissue Integrity
SKILL 18.1 Obtaining a Wound Drainage Specimen
VARIATION Obtaining a Specimen for Anaerobic Culture Using a Sterile Syringe and Needle
(Dressings and Binders)
SKILL 18.2 Performing a Dry Dressing Change
SKILL 18.3 Cleaning a Sutured Wound and Changing a Dressing on a Wound with a Drain
SKILL 18.4 Applying Wet-to-Moist Dressings
SKILL 18.5 Applying an Abdominal Binder
SKILL 18.6 Applying Bandages and Binders (Elastic Bandages)
SKILL 18.7 Changing a Dressing - Venous Ulcer
SKILL 18.8 Maintaining Closed Wound Drainage (Jackson-Pratt drain)
(Wound Care)
SKILL 18.9 Preventing Pressure Ulcers
SKILL 18.10 Providing Care with Clients with Pressure Ulcers
SKILL 18.11 Applying Transparent Film Dressing
SKILL 18.12 Irrigating a Wound
SKILL 18.13 Using Alginates on Wounds
SKILL 18.14 Using Hydrocolloid Dressing
SKILL 18.15 Using Electrical Stimulation
SKILL 18.16 Using Noncontact Normothermic Wound Therapy
SKILL 18.17 Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (Wound VAC)
SKILL 18.18 Applying a Transparent Wound Barrier
SKILL 18.19 Positioning and Exercising the Stump
SKILL 18.20 Shrinking/Molding the Stump