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Main description:
The second edition of Clinical Procedures in Veterinary Nursing continues to provide a detailed 'skills analysis' of all the clinical procedures likely to be performed by a veterinary nurse in practice. Using its unique systematic approach, the book explains practical procedures used daily in veterinary practice, covering all aspects of a veterinary nurse's tasks, concentrating on small animal procedures. Clearly illustrated, with accompanying text provided in an accessible action-rationale format, each procedure includes an explanation of the theory behind the action, thus linking the classroom with clinical practice. With many additional and updated procedures this new edition concurs with current standards and introduces the most modern techniques to the veterinary nurse.
- Handling and restraint
- Measuring clinical parameters
- Medical nursing procedures
- Administration of fluid therapy
- Provision of nutritional support
- Anaesthetic procedures
- Theatre practice
- Surgical nursing procedures
- First aid procedures
- Diagnostic imaging
- Diagnostic laboratory techniques
- Treatment of exotic species
- How to pass practical exams - new chapter
Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
Publication date: February, 2008
Pages: 360
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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