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Clinical Research in Occupational Therapy
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Main description:

In this new edition, Dr. George Tomlin joins Dr. Martin S. Rice and Dr. Franklin Stein to add expertise and knowledge of the occupational therapy field.

With the combined knowledge and skills of the authors Clinical Research in Occupational Therapy, Sixth Edition includes many valuable updates and enables the graduate student and clinical researcher to carry out a research study from the formulation of a research hypothesis to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in user-friendly, step-by-step procedures.

This Sixth Edition brings noteworthy changes, improvements, and enhancements, including the following:

A thorough update of the published research in occupational therapy and health care
Major revisions in all the chapters
The addition of a new chapter on single-case experimental research
Updated research boxes and contemporary examples of both quantitative and qualitative research
Updated compilation of tests and evaluations used by occupation therapists in research studies as outcome instruments and for clinical assessments
Revision and additions to the glossary of terms and statistics
Updated examples of the institutional review board application forms
Updated landmarks in the history of occupational therapy
Updated interfacing example with a popular statistical software, including data organization analysis and interpretation
Updated statistical tables

Clinical Research in Occupational Therapy, Sixth Edition is a valuable resource for students, clinicians and researchers. The text can be used as a complete self-tutorial that provides the reader with the knowledge and skills to design and carry out a research project, from hypothesis through data collection and analysis. The text is written to help the reader evaluate the quality and rigor of research studies. The Sixth Edition incorporates recent research in occupational therapy to help the reader design a feasible research project and understand and appreciate the literature of the field.


About the Authors
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Chapter 1 A Short History of the Scientific Method in Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Habilitation
Chapter 2 The Scientific Method and Research Models
Chapter 3 Quantitative Research Models
Chapter 4 Qualitative Research Models
Chapter 5 The Research Problem
Chapter 6 Review of the Literature
Chapter 7 Research Design and Methodology
Chapter 8 Data Analysis and Statistics
Chapter 9 Single-Case Experimental Design
Chapter 10 Selecting a Test Instrument
Chapter 11 Scientific Writing and Thesis Preparation
Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations in Occupational Therapy
Appendix B Landmarks in the History of Occupational Therapy
Appendix C Statistical Tables


ISBN-13: 9781630915094
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2019
Pages: 675
Dimensions: 216.00 x 279.00 x 20.00
Weight: 1542g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy


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