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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus
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Main description:

For many individuals afflicted with tinnitus, the condition causes substantial distress. While there is no known cure for tinnitus, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can offer an effective strategy for managing the symptoms and side effects of chronic tinnitus. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Tinnitus is the first book to provide comprehensive CBT counseling materials specifically developed for the management of tinnitus.

This valuable professional book has two primary purposes: to provide clinical guidelines for audiologists who are offering CBT-based counseling for tinnitus and self-help materials for individuals with tinnitus. In addition, these materials may be of interest to researchers developing evidence-based therapies for tinnitus.

The book is structured into three sections. Section A provides background information about the theoretical aspects of CBT and some practical tips on how to use this book. Section B provides the CBT counseling, or self-help, materials, which can be used by both audiologists and tinnitus sufferers. Finally, Section C provides some supplementary materials for clinicians that can aid monitoring and engagement of tinnitus suffers during the course of intervention.

Key Features:
The CBT materials contained in this text have been tested in numerous clinical trials across the globe (Australia, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States) both as self-help book chapters and self-help materials delivered via the Internet.
The counseling materials are presented at minimum reading grade level (U.S. 6th grade level) to maximize reader engagement.
The authors of this book have extensive experience in the management of tinnitus, offering useful insights for clinicians and tinnitus sufferers.
Access to a PluralPlus companion website with various ancillaries such as expert advice videos for each chapter to facilitate its adoption to clinical practice.


About the authors

Section A: Introduction to CBT for Tinnitus

Chapter 1: Cognitive behavioural therapy principles and applications
Chapter 2: Cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus
Chapter 3: How to deliver cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus
Section B: CBT Intervention (Self-help) Materials for Tinnitus
Part 1: Overview

Chapter 4: Tackling Tinnitus program outline
Chapter 5: Tinnitus overview
Part 2: Relaxation guide

Chapter 6: Deep relaxation
Chapter 7: Deep breathing
Chapter 8: Entire body relaxation
Chapter 9: Frequent relaxation
Chapter 10: Quick relaxation
Chapter 11: Relaxation routine
Part 3: CBT techniques

Chapter 12: Positive imagery
Chapter 13: Views of tinnitus
Chapter 14: Shifting focus
Chapter 15: Thought patterns
Chapter 16: Challenging thoughts
Chapter 17: Being mindful
Chapter 18: Listening to tinnitus
Part 4: Dealing with the effects of tinnitus

Chapter 19: Sound enrichment
Chapter 20: Sleep guidelines
Chapter 21: Improving focus
Chapter 22: Increasing sound tolerance
Chapter 23: Listening tips
Part 5: Maintaining the results

Chapter 24: Summary
Chapter 25: Future planning
Section C: Supplementary Materials for Monitoring and Engagement

Chapter 26: Additional resources
Chapter 27: Pre-intervention screening questionnaire
Chapter 28: Weekly monitoring
Chapter 29: Providing guidance


ISBN-13: 9781635502992
Publisher: Plural Publishing Inc
Publication date: November, 2020
Pages: 195
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)


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