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Collaboration across Health Research and Medical Care
Healthy Collaboration
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Main description:

Health research and health care practice are radically transforming as governments invest more in large scale, national and international health projects with increasing levels of interdisciplinarity as populations age and as nations grow wealthier. This volume examines the structures and dynamics of scientific collaboration in health research and health care. Bringing together detailed research from the US, Canada, Europe and Japan, Collaboration Across Health Research and Medical Care sheds light on the features, environments and relationships that characterise collaboration in health care and research, exploring changing patterns of collaboration and examining the causes and consequences of team work in the health domain. With attention to the increasingly porous boundaries between health care and research, the book not only investigates research settings, but also considers the manner in which knowledge produced in laboratories and clinics is translated into day-to-day medical and care practice and health initiatives. It offers a rich examination of the political, technical and organisational facets of collaboration and the implications of changes in collaboration for every day treatment and practice, Collaboration Across Health Research and Medical Care will be of interest to scholars of sociology and science and technology studies, as well as those working in the field of health policy and research.


Part I Introduction; Chapter 1 When Scientists, Scholars, Clinicians, Physicians and Patients Meet, Bart Penders, John N. Parker, Niki Vermeulen; Chapter 2 The Evolution of Collaborations in Health Sciences Measured by Co-authorship, Pauline Mattsson; Part II Collaboration in Health Research; Chapter 3 From Virus to Vaccine, Niki Vermeulen; Chapter 4 Who Wants to Collaborate with Social Scientists?Credible to Collaborators Themselves, David Schleifer; Part III Collaborative Health Infrastructures; Chapter 6 The Compound Collaborations of Clinical Registries, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson, Linus Johansson Krafve; Chapter 7 Scripted Collaboration, Inge Lecluijze, Bart Penders, Frans Feron, Klasien Horstman; Part IV Collaboration in Health Care; Chapter 8 Shifting Collaborations and the Quest for Legitimacy, Koichi Mikami; Chapter 9 Boundary-Spanning Engagements on a Neonatal Ward, Jessica Mesman; Chapter 10 Health Care Collaboration Between Patients and Physicians, Benjamin Lewin; Part V Conclusion; Chapter 11 The Health of Collaborations, Andrew Webster;


ISBN-13: 9781409460947
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Publication date: February, 2015
Pages: None
Weight: 589g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues, General Practice


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