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Contact Lenses
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Main description:

Completely updated and revised, this classic text provides a definitive reference work on contact lenses for all optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists and contact lens practitioners.

  • A prestigious list of internationally known experts has contributed chapters and Judith Morris is Consultant Editor for this the fifth edition.
  • The book has been brought up to date to reflect modern day contact lens practice yet still provides the basic scientific foundations. From silicone hydrogels, orthoK and digital imaging to practice law, research projects and practical optics, all you need is included in one volume
  • Redesigned with numerous high quality line diagrams and clinical illustrations to further explain points brought out in the text.
  • Refocused and tightened the content has been overhauled to provide you with an essential touchstone for everyday practice.
  • Erudite, definitive and comprehensive the book now concentrates on the evidence behind contact lens practice and enables you to make informed choices about the care you give to your patients.
  • A bonus webiste provides you with a wealth of downloadable practice tools, illustrations, worked examples and calculators as well as helpful worked simulations and examples, plus training videos for further information.

  • An everyday definitive reference work, this classic, beautifully designed text has been reinvented to provide the modern eye care practitioner with all the essential knowledge that they need in one volume.


    1 The history of contact lenses
    2 Anatomy and physiology of the cornea and related structures
    3 Contact lens materials
    4 Microbiology, lens care and maintenance
    5 Tears and contact lenses
    6 Optics
    7 Clinical instrumentation in contact lens practice
    8 Assessment of patient suitability for contact lenses
    9 Rigid gas permeable corneal lens fitting
    10 Soft contact lens fitting
    11 Patient management
    12 Toric contact lens fitting
    13 Toric Extended and continuous wear lenses
    14 Bifocal and multifocal contact lenses
    15 Sclerals
    16 Lens checking: soft and rigid
    17 After-care
    18 Medical aspects of contact lenses, diagnosis and treatment
    19 Orthokeratology
    20 Keratoconus
    21 High prescriptions
    22 Post-keratoplasty contact lens fitting
    23 Post-refractive surgery
    24 Paediatric contact lenses
    25 Cosmetic and prosthetic contact lenses
    26 Contact lenses in other abnormal ocular conditions
    27 Contact lens manufacturing
    28 Modification procedures
    29 Special types of contact lenses and their uses
    30 Contact lens correction and myopia progression
    31 Contact lens standards
    32 Legal issues and contact lenses
    33 Setting up a research project


    ISBN-13: 9780750688185
    Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
    Publication date: September, 2006
    Pages: 680
    Weight: 652g
    Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
    Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry
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