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Cosmetic and Clinical Applications of Botox and Dermal Fillers
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Main description:

There has been a recent explosion of public interest in less invasive facial rejuvenation products and treatments. At the forefront of this are the U.S. FDA Approvals of Botox and Xeomin injections.

In addition to the broad array of cosmetic applications for botulinum toxin, a new range of functional treatments is similarly beginning to emerge. These treatments include creating a "chemical" tarsorrhaphy to promote corneal healing, reducing thyroid-associated eyelid retraction, and-most compelling-reducing the frequency and severity of muscle tension and migraine headaches. These new applications significantly expand the scope of botulinum toxin treatments for medical disorders that have traditionally included the treatment of strabismus as well as a number of disorders of spasticity.

Cosmetic and Clinical Applications of Botox and Dermal Fillers, Third Edition by Dr. William J. Lipham and Dr. Jill S. Melicher continues to evolve and advance along with these applications, addressing important information for anyone interested in expanding his or her clinical practice in this area.

This updated and revised Third Edition also describes how to perform a broad range of treatments with a wide variety of dermal filler agents, including the newer hyaluronic acid and poly-l-lactic acid derivatives.

Topics inside the Third Edition include:

Treatment of blepharospasm, meige syndrome, and hemifacial spasm
Botulinum toxin as a treatment for functional disorders
Neuro-ophthalmic uses for botulinum toxin
Cosmetic applications of botulinum toxin
Periorbital rejuvenation using cosmetic filler agents and fat injection
Marketing botulinum toxin and dermal filler agents to build your practice

Additionally, an accompanying video website with nine supplemental videos is included to demonstrate the techniques discussed.

Video topics include:

Botulinum toxin for benign essential blepharospasm
Botulinum toxin for hemifacial spasm
Botulinum toxin for headaches
Botulinum toxin chemical brow lift
Botulinum toxin for forehead rhytids
Botulinum toxin for glabellar rhytids
Botulinum toxin for treatment of orbicularis lateral
Hyaluronic acid filler for perioral rejuvenation
Hyaluronic acid filler for the nasolabial fold

Cosmetic and Clinical Applications of Botox and Dermal Fillers, Third Edition is perfect for anyone interested in the use of Botox and dermal filler agents for a wide variety of functional and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedures. General ophthalmologists, anterior segment surgeons, dermatologists, facial plastic surgeons, residents, and fellows alike will benefit from adding this valuable book and video website to their collection.


About the Authors
Contributing Authors

Chapter 1 A Brief History of the Clinical Applications of Botulinum Toxin
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS

Chapter 2 What Is Botulinum Toxin and How Does It Work?
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS and Jill S. Melicher, MD

Chapter 3 Pertinent Facial Muscle Anatomy
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS

Chapter 4 Getting Started: Commercially Available Products, Basic Equipment and Supplies,
Reconstitution and Dilution Recommendations, and Clinical Implementation
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS and Jill S. Melicher, MD

Chapter 5 Treatment of Blepharospasm, Meige Syndrome, and Hemifacial Spasm
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS

Chapter 6 Botulinum Toxin as a Treatment for Functional Disorders
Michael S. McCracken, MD; David B. Granet, MD, FACS; and Don O. Kikkawa, MD, FACS

Chapter 7 Neuro-Ophthalmic Uses for Botulinum Toxin
Patrick K. Johnson, MD; David B. Granet, MD, FACS; and William J. Lipham, MD, FACS

Chapter 8 Cosmetic Applications of Botulinum Toxin
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS and Jill S. Melicher, MD

Chapter 9 Periorbital Rejuvenation Using Cosmetic Filler Agents and Fat Injection
Gregg S. Gayre, MD; David R. Jordan, MD, FACS, FRCSC; and William J. Lipham, MD, FACS

Chapter 10 Marketing Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Filler Agents to Build Your Practice
William J. Lipham, MD, FACS and Jill S. Melicher, MD

Financial Disclosures


ISBN-13: 9781617110856
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2015
Pages: 160
Weight: 590g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry, Plastic/Reconstructive & Aesthetic


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