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Crafts and Creative Media in Therapy
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For more than 20 years, Crafts and Creative Media in Therapy, Fifth Edition has been an illuminating reference for the use of creative approaches in helping clients achieve their therapeutic goals. Carol Crellin Tubbs has included a range of craft and creative activity categories, from paper crafts, to cooking, to the use of recycled materials, and everything in between.

Each chapter includes a brief history of the craft, several projects along with suggestions for grading or adapting, examples of related documentation, and a short case study. The text also features chapters on activity analysis, general strategies for implementation of creative activities, and documentation, as well as a chapter describing the relevance of this media from both historical and current occupation-based perspectives.

In this updated Fifth Edition, the craft projects have been updated and numerous resources and links for more ideas have been added. There are new chapters on making therapy tools and crafting with a purpose, and the recycled and found materials chapter has been expanded in keeping with cultural trends. A flow chart has been added to each case study to help students better understand the process and rationale for tailoring activities for individual client needs, and project suggestions for working on specific performance skills or client factors are scattered throughout the chapters. Other additions include a behavioral observation checklist as an aid in evaluation and documentation, and several illustrations to help students distinguish between the use of occupation as means and occupation as end. This Fifth Edition also includes an updated instructors' manual with additional resources and suggestions for lesson planning.

Crafts and Creative Media in Therapy, Fifth Edition not only provides a wide assortment of craft ideas and instructions, but also provides multiple suggestions for therapeutic uses for activities in each category. It includes ways to grade activities to best achieve therapy objectives, and examples of documentation for reimbursement. For each craft category, there is discussion on precautions for use with certain populations, contextual limitations, and safety considerations. Information is presented in several different formats such as examples, tables, illustrations, and other formats to promote student understanding.

Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional material to be used for teaching in the classroom.

Crafts and Creative Media in Therapy, Fifth Edition is the foremost resource for using creative approaches in helping clients achieve their therapeutic goals and should be used by all occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and recreational therapists.



About the Authors


Section I Why Use Crafts?

Chapter 1 Therapeutic Crafts in Context

Chapter 2 Putting Crafts in Perspective

Section II How to Use Crafts

Chapter 3 Analyzing and Grading Crafts and Creative Media

Chapter 4 Documenting the Use of Crafts and Creative Media

Chapter 5 Using Crafts and Creative Media in Practice

Section III Crafts in Application

Chapter 6 Paper Crafts

Chapter 7 Mosaic and Glass Crafts

Chapter 8 Beading and MacramE

Chapter 9 Metal Crafts

Chapter 10 Traditional Occupational Therapy Crafts




Chapter 11 Needlework

Chapter 12 Cooking as a Craft

Chapter 13 Gardening and Nature Crafts

Chapter 14 Crafts From Found and Recycled Materials

Chapter 15 Crafting With a Purpose

Chapter 16 Expressive Media

Chapter 17 Therapy Tools

Appendix I Vendors

Appendix II Traditional Occupational Therapy Assessments and Their Craft Components

Appendix III Sample Therapeutic Activity Analysis Form

Appendix IV Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, Third Edition, Summary

Appendix V Questions to Facilitate Student Reflection



ISBN-13: 9781630911096
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: October, 2016
Pages: 325
Weight: 1043g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Occupational Therapy


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