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Main description:
Welcome to Crash Course - the revision aid to get you the results you need! Crash Course is a complete revision guide designed specifically to save you time by providing everything you could be asked in the exam in one place! Each book in the series has been specially written either by senior medical students or junior doctors - carefully supervised by faculty advisors - to ensure that it exactly matches your needs by having been prepared by someone who has just been in the exam situation!
Fully updated with improved layout, the first part of this volume addresses the clinical presentations in psychiatry while the second part examines common psychiatric disorders, all in a memorable, easy-to-understand format. The third part covers clinical assessment and psychiatric management providing all of the facts you need to get things right. Additional new features include 'Learning Objectives' at the start of each chapter, improved 'Hints and Tips' boxes, 'Communication' boxes and a completely revised self-assessment section tailored to current exam needs.
Crash Course - an easier way to get through the exam!
Part I: The patient presents with
Part II: Diseases and Disorders
Part III: History, Examination and Common Investigations
Part IV: Self-assessment
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: July, 2008
Pages: 292
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Psychiatry
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