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Curbside Consultation in Glaucoma
49 Clinical Questions
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Main description:

Curbside Consultation in Glaucoma: 49 Clinical Questions has been updated into a Second Edition!

The Second Edition contains new questions and is completely updated!

Curbside Consultation in Glaucoma, Second Edition contains new questions and brief, practical, evidence-based answers to the most frequently asked questions that are posed during a "curbside consultation" between surgical colleagues.

Dr. Steven J. Gedde and associate editors Dr. Dale K. Heuer, Dr. Richard A. Lewis, and Dr. Joseph Panarelli have assembled the top glaucoma consultants from the United States and abroad to offer expert advice, preferences, and opinions on tough clinical questions commonly associated with glaucoma in this updated reference. The unique Q&A format provides quick access to current information related to glaucoma in the simplicity of a conversation between two colleagues. Numerous images, diagrams, and references are included to enhance the text and illustrate surgical pearls.

Some of the questions that are answered inside the Second Edition include:

What imaging technology is best for diagnosing glaucoma? For detecting progression?
What new methods are available to measure intraocular pressure? Are any devices available for continuous monitoring of intraocular pressure?
Do anti-VEGF agents produce intraocular pressure elevation?
How should I set a target intraocular pressure?
How should I manage a patient who is progressing at low levels of intraocular pressure?
Does cataract extraction produce significant and sustained intraocular pressure reduction? When should I perform a combined procedure versus cataract surgery alone?
What are MIGS? When should I use them?

Curbside Consultation in Glaucoma: 49 Clinical Questions, Second Edition provides information basic enough for residents while also incorporating expert pearls that even high-volume glaucoma specialists will appreciate. General practitioners, residents, fellows, and optometrists alike will benefit from the user-friendly, casual format and the expert advice contained within.


ISBN-13: 9781617116391
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: January, 2015
Pages: 216
Weight: 644g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry


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