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Dental Materials At A Glance, Second Edition
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Dental Materials at a Glance, 2nd edition, is the latest title in the highly popular At a Glance series, providing a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid. Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear diagrams encapsulating essential information. Systematically organized and succinctly delivered, Dental Materials at a Glance covers: * Each major class of dental material and biomaterial * Basic chemical and physical properties * Clinical handling and application * Complications and adverse effects of materials Dental Materials at a Glance is the ideal companion for all students of dentistry, residents, and junior clinicians. In addition, the text will provide valuable insight for general dental practitioners wanting to update their materials knowledge and be of immediate application for dental hygienists, dental nurses, dental assistants, and technicians.


Preface ix Part I Fundamentals 1 1 Properties of materials tensile properties 2 2 Toughness, elastic/plastic behavior, and hardness 4 3 Physical properties of materials 6 4 Adhesion and cohesion 8 5 Mechanical adhesion 10 6 Dental hard tissues 12 7 Bone 14 Part II Laboratory materials 17 8 Gypsum materials 18 9 Die materials 20 10 Dental waxes 22 11 Investments and casting 24 Part III Dental biomaterials 27 12 Inelastic impression materials 28 13 Elastic impression materials 30 14 Occlusal (bite) registration materials 32 15 Precious metal alloys 34 16 Base metal alloys 36 17 Porcelain bonding alloys 38 18 Implant metals 40 19 Partial denture base materials 42 20 Complete denture bases acrylic resin 44 21 Modifi ed acrylics and other denture base resins 46 22 Denture fracture and repair 48 23 Denture liners 50 24 Denture cleansing 52 25 Dental luting 54 26 Cavity varnishes, liners, and bases 56 27 Provisional (temporary) dental cements 58 28 Inorganic (acid base reaction) cements 60 29 Resin-modifi ed and resin cements 62 30 Denture adhesives 64 31 Dental amalgam 66 32 Adhesive dentistry 68 33 Bonding to dentin 70 34 Composite restorative resins 72 35 Endodontic fi lling materials 74 36 Provisional fi lling materials and restorations 76 37 Materials in periodontics 78 38 Dental porcelain 80 39 Manipulation and properties of porcelain 82 40 Strengthening porcelain 84 41 Advanced ceramic systems 86 42 CAD-CAM restorations 88 43 Orthodontic materials 90 44 Grinding, polishing, and fi nishing 92 45 Adverse effects of dental biomaterials 94 46 Dental erosion 96 Glossary 98 Index 101


ISBN-13: 9781118459966
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: August, 2013
Pages: 120
Dimensions: 150.00 x 286.00 x 8.00
Weight: 368g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Dentistry
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