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Dental Office Medical Emergencies
A Manual of Office Response Protocols
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Main description:

The best management of medical problems is always prevention. This reference seeks to provide information to the practicing dentist and dental office personnel so that prevention and management of office emergencies are an integral part of the normal operational knowledge base. The first section describes office preparedness and addresses the development of protocol and training for management of any potential office emergency. The second section addresses specific dental office medical emergency protocols that are defined by symptom analysis. This section is tabbed for quick access and includes: Basic Action Plan for Stabilization Loss of Consciousness Respiratory Distress Chest Pain Allergic/Drug Reactions Altered Sensation/Changes In Affect Management of Acute Bleeding The third and final section of the text addresses information on preprocedural guidelines, endocarditis, oxygen delivery systems, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and other useful information in establishing appropriate office protocols.
New topics under Allergic/Drug Reactions and Management of Acute Bleeding Updated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) Enhanced Emergency Drug Monographs Updated Anaphylactic Shock Probiotics to Reduce Gastric Symptoms During Long-Term, Repeated or Frequent Antibiotic Therapy Procedures and Protocols Defined by Symptom Analysis Convenient Tabbed Paging System with 7 Topic Tabs Updated Contemporary Reference List


ISBN-13: 9781591953180
Publisher: Lexi-Comp,U.S.
Publication date: February, 2013
Pages: 118
Dimensions: 218.00 x 277.00 x 15.00
Weight: 794g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Dentistry


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