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Main description:
Developing Clinical Competence: A Workbook for the OTA helps occupational therapy assistant (OTA) students and novice practitioners develop the "practical" problem-solving and "real-life" skills essential for fieldwork and clinical practice. This user-friendly workbook helps the reader apply occupational therapy concepts and improve the clinical reasoning skills needed for academic coursework and successful transition to fieldwork and entry-level clinical practice.
The methods, learning activities, and worksheets presented in Developing Clinical Competence stem from Marie J. Morreale's more than 15 years of experience teaching OTA students. Worksheets and learning activities address areas such as professionalism, ethical behaviour, clinical decision making, effective communication, roles and responsibilities, selecting and implementing interventions, safety, assessing client function, documentation, group process, and more. The worksheets, learning activities, and suggested worksheet answers are written in an easy-to-read format and include a variety of methods such as multiple choice, matching, and true/false questions; case studies; vignettes; fill in the blanks; and experiential activities.
Although the chapters and exercises are presented in a logical progression, each chapter is fully independent of the others - readers can skip around and complete individual chapters or particular exercises in the order most conducive to individual learning needs. Appropriate for a variety of practice areas, Developing Clinical Competence can serve as a companion text for multiple classes throughout an OTA curriculum or as a useful study aid when preparing for fieldwork or the national certification exam.
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used for teaching in the classroom.
Features and benefits:
Helps develop the practical problem-solving and common-sense skills essential for fieldwork and clinical practice
Contains user-friendly worksheets, learning activities, and suggested worksheet answers with competencies broken down into smaller units and explained step-by-step to allow for easy independent study
Provides thoroughly explained "answers" to the worksheet exercises at the end of each chapter with references
Presents scenarios that represent situations commonly encountered in clinical practice
Includes many helpful hints and clinical tips to teach readers what to do and how to react appropriately as health professionals
OTA students, faculty, and new practitioners will benefit from the opportunity to take the information presented in Developing Clinical Competence: A Workbook for the OTA and apply important concepts and techniques, problem solve situations step-by-step, prioritize interventions, improve clinical reasoning, demonstrate professional behaviours, and communicate more effectively.
About the Author
Chapter 1 Communicating Effectively
Chapter 2 Demonstrating Professionalism
Chapter 3 Understanding Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Chapter 4 Implementing Preparatory Interventions
Chapter 5 Incorporating Activities and Occupations
Chapter 6 Developing Knowledge and Skills for Different Practice Settings
Chapter 7 Assessing and Documenting Client Function
Chapter 8 Incorporating Fundamentals of Care
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: October, 2014
Pages: 280
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy