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Main description:
This is the story of Dr Daniel West Samways's academic and professional life. After early achievements in physics at Cambridge, and medical training under eminent physicians at Guy's Hospital, London, he seemed destined for a prestigious career. An attack of tuberculosis threw him off course. After recovering on the French Riviera he added a Paris MD to his numerous qualifications and turned to general practice. The book captures his undiminished scientific curiosity and clinical compassion, revealed in his many articles, commentaries and letters to the major journals. He engaged in debate, seeking to correct wrong thinking and to champion science-based practice. The book chronicles the treatments of common diseases and arcane medical practices in changing times. The Great War prevented him practising in France. He worked in an Exeter War Hospital and his writing continued with new energy. His wide knowledge and astute observations raised challenges which continue to resonate today.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Publication date: June, 2021
Pages: 198
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues, General Practice