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Main description:
Develop the understanding and clinical reasoning skills you'll need to confidently manage dysphagia in professional practice! This logically organized, evidence-based resource reflects the latest advancements in dysphagia in an approachable, student-friendly manner to help you master the clinical evaluation and diagnostic decision-making processes. Realistic case scenarios, detailed review questions, and up-to-date coverage of current testing procedures and issues in pediatric development prepare you for the conditions you'll face in the clinical setting and provide an unparalleled foundation for professional success.
Part I: Foundations 1. Dysphagia Unplugged
Part II: Dysphagia in Adults 2. Normal Swallowing in Adults Section 1: Causes and Characteristics of Dysphagia 3. Adult Neurologic Disorders 4. Dysphagia and Head and Neck Cancer 5. Esophageal Disorders 6. Respiratory and Iatrogenic Disorders Section 2: Evaluation of Swallowing 7. Clinical Evaluation of Adults 8. Imaging Swallowing Examinations: Videofluoroscopy and Endoscopy Section 3: Approaches to Treatment 9. Treatment Considerations, Options, and Decisions 10. Treatment for Adults 11. Ethical Considerations
Part III: Dysphagia in Infants and Children 12. Typical Feeding and Swallowing Development in Infants and Children 13. Disorders Affecting Feeding and Swallowing in Infants and Children 14. Evaluating Feeding and Swallowing in Infants and Children 15. Treatment of Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Infants and Children
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: November, 2015
Pages: 352
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Gastroenterology, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)