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Main description:
With its focus on the planned universal healthcare coverage in India, Economics of Public and Private Healthcare and Health Insurance in India presents an exhaustive account of both the public healthcare system and the private healthcare market. It explores the shortcomings that prevent the common citizen from trusting either of them completely.
The book provides a critical analysis of the various health insurance providers and their different products. It also lays out how those without insurance are exploited by the healthcare system. Further, it covers the various existing and potential health insurance markets in India. Despite several centrally sponsored health insurance schemes as well as those sponsored by all major Indian states, the healthcare coverage of common Indian citizens is abysmally low. The policy inputs from this book will help reorient the thinking of both central and state level policymakers towards making healthcare a priority area. This will go a long way in making India a forerunner among South Asian countries in their efforts to provide optimal healthcare to all their citizens.
All India Scenario of Health Facility Utilization
Sustainable Development Goals and Health Insurance in India
Ayushman Bharat (MODI Care) and Other Government Sponsored Health Insurance in India
Role of Public and Private Sectors in Health Insurance
Demand for Health Insurance in India
Conclusions and Policy Imperatives
Publisher: Sage Publications Limited (SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd)
Publication date: February, 2020
Pages: 304
Weight: 390g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues