Main description:
The Preparation for the Professions Program by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching focused on education in five professions (clergy, law, engineering, nursing, and medicine), but its influence has been felt throughout higher education and has inspired other professions to turn a critical eye to their own pedagogy.
Modeled after the Carnegie Foundation's example, Drs. Gail Jensen, Elizabeth Mostrom, Laurita Hack, Terrence Nordstrom, and Jan Gwyer began an examination of the state of physical therapist education in the United States in their study, Physical Therapist Education for the Twenty First Century (PTE-21): Innovation and Excellence in Physical Therapist Academic and Clinical Education. With the same team of authors, Educating Physical Therapists documents this examination, detailing the key findings of the study and expanding on its implications.
The text begins by looking at the current state of physical therapist education across the continuum, from professional education through residency, then continues by describing exemplars of excellence and best practices that were observed in academic and clinical settings. Through this survey of the profession, a conceptual model of excellence in physical therapist education is derived and presented with practical recommendations.
Areas addressed:
Elements that promote a culture of excellence
Critical needs for advancing learning and the learning sciences
Academic and clinical organizational imperatives
The critical need for system-based reform
Finally, after looking at the current state of physical therapy education, Educating Physical Therapists looks to the future, providing a reimagined vision for what professional education and the profession could be. These recommendations for growth come with commentary by international experts in physical therapy education, providing a wide range of perspectives.
After an intensive examination of physical therapist education, Educating Physical Therapists is designed to change the way educators and administrators across academic and clinical settings prepare physical therapists for the future.
About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Lee S. Shulman, PhD
Part I
Exploring Excellence in Professional Education:
Following in Footsteps
Chapter 1 Educating Physical Therapists: Context, Challenges, and Opportunities
Chapter 2
Excellence in the Professions: Past and Present Work of the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching
Part II
Portraits of Excellence and Innovation: Model Dimensions, Elements, Paradigm Cases, and Recommendations
Chapter 3 Research Design, Methods, and Evolving Frameworks
Chapter 4
The Culture of Excellence in Physical Therapist Education:
Where Values and Vision Begin
Chapter 5 The Nexus: Bridging Our Academic and Clinical Worlds
Chapter 6 The Praxis of Learning: Opportunities Abound
Chapter 7 Organizational Context: Essential for Supporting Excellence
Part III
Transforming Physical Therapist Education:
Accelerating Positive Change
Chapter 8 Creating a Culture of Excellence
Chapter 9 Advancing Learning and the Learning Sciences
Chapter 10 Organizational Imperatives
Chapter 11 Systems-Based Reform
Part IV The Way Forward: Visions of What Could Be
Chapter 12
Understanding and Embracing the Potential of Interprofessional Education
Scott Reeves, PhD, MSc; Amber Fitzsimmons, PT, MS, DPTSc;
and Simon Kitto, PhD
Chapter 13
Practice-Based Education: Realizing Excellent Education for
Future-Oriented Practice
Joy Higgs, AM, BSc, MHPEd, PhD, NSW, PFHEA
Chapter 14
Directions for Education Research in Health Professions:
Opportunities for Physical Therapy
Stephen Loftus, PhD and Kathryn Huggett, PhD
Chapter 15
Educating for Professional Responsibility: Integration Across
Habits of Head, Hand, and Heart
Patricia Benner, RN, PhD, FAAN and Ruth Purtilo, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Chapter 16 Opportunities and Priorities for Physical Therapist Education:
Perspectives From the Profession
Steven B. Chesbro, PT, DPT, EdD and
William G. Boissonnault, PT, DPT, DHSc, FAAOMPT, FAPTA
Chapter 17 Envisioning Our Future: The Way Forward
Appendix A
Appendix B
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: October, 2018
Pages: 304
Weight: 635g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Physiotherapy