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Encyclopedia of Environmental Health
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Main description:

Environmental health has evolved over time into a complex, multidisciplinary field. Many of the key determinants and solutions to environmental health problems lie outside the direct realm of health and are strongly dependent on environmental changes, water and sanitation, industrial development, education, employment, trade, tourism, agriculture, urbanization, energy, housing and national security. Environmental risks, vulnerability and variability manifest themselves in different ways and at different time scales. While there are shared global and transnational problems, each community, country or region faces its own unique environmental health problems, the solution of which depends on circumstances surrounding the resources, customs, institutions, values and environmental vulnerability. This work contains critical reviews and assessments of environmental health practices and research that have worked in places and thus can guide programs and economic development in other countries or regions.

The Encyclopedia of Environmental Health seeks to conceptualize the subject more clearly, to describe the best available scientific methods that can be used in characterizing and managing environmental health risks, to extend the field of environmental health through new theoretical perspectives and heightened appreciation of social, economic and political contexts, and to encourage a richer analysis in the field through examples of diverse experiences in dealing with the health-environment interface.


Assessment of Exposure to Environmental Risks

Children's Health and the Environment

Climate Change and Human Health

Country and Area Specific Environmental Health Issues

Disinfection ByProducts

Disparities and Social Determinants of Environmental Health


Environmental Cancers

Environmental Health Costs

Environmental Health Management

Environmental Risk Factors for Communicable Disease

Ethics in Environmental Health

Food Quality

Gene-environment Interactions

Globalization and Environmental Health

Historical Aspects

Indoor Air Pollution: Health Effects

Ionising and Non-ionising Radiation: Health Effects

Measures of Community Disease Burden

Metals/Metalloids: Exposure and Health Effects

Noise Pollution: Exposure and Health Effects

Outdoor Air Pollution: Health Effects

Persistent Organic Pollutants

Personal Care Products and Pharmaceuticals

Pesticides: Human Exposure and Toxicity

Pollution Sources and Human Health

Solid Waste, Wastewater, Sludge and Human Health

Target Organ Toxicity of Environmental Pollutants

Technological Advancements in Environmental Health Sciences

Urban Environment and Human Health

Water Quality and Quantity


ISBN-13: 9780444522733
Publisher: Elsevier (Elsevier Science Ltd)
Publication date: December, 2011
Pages: 5016
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Public Health
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