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Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy
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Read here more about the encyclopedia, in an editorial written by Professor Zaheer Babar:

This encyclopedia covers the definitions, concepts, methods, theories, and application of evidence-based pharmaceutical public health and health services research. It highlights why and how this field has a significant impact on healthcare. The work aims to synthesize baseline knowledge as well as the latest and cutting-edge research-based information. The encyclopedia collates information on public health, health services research, evidence-based pharmacy practice and its impacts on patients, decision-makers and consumers. This reference work discusses all aspects of policy and practice decisions on medicines use, access and pharmacy services by covering broad aspects related to pharmacy practice, public health and health services research. The aim is to develop high-quality content, which will be a must-read and be used as a reference source at all pharmacy and medical schools in the world.

The health services research investigates the impact of social factors, organizational policies, financing systems, medical technologies and personal influence on access, quality and cost of healthcare concerning the quality of life of the patients. This reference work fundamentally promotes the evidence-based evaluation of healthcare services and thus will improve the better access and delivery of healthcare services. Also, pharmacy, medical and health services students and researchers need a broad understanding of pharmaceutical public health, evidence-based approaches to delivering care, changing professional and patient behavior and undertaking research in these areas. In general, there is a need to build research capacity and capability in the pharmacy profession.


Global Changes, Development, Evidence and Impact in General.- Evident and Impact of Health Services Research and Pharmaceutical Public Health.- Evidence andIimpact of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance Research.- Evidence and Impact of Research Methodologies Used in Health Services Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Public Health.- Evidence and Impact of Health Services Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Public Health in High Income Countries.- Evidence and Impact of Health Services Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Public Health in LMICs.- Evidence and Impact of Health Services Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Public Health in the UK.- Evidence and Impace of Pharmacoeconomics Research.- Evidence and Impact of Interventions, Medicines and Medical Technologies in COVID-19 and Other Pandemics.- Evidence and Impact of "Medicines Access and Use Research".- Evidence and Impact of Research Related to Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine


ISBN-13: 9783030644765
Publisher: Springer (Springer Nature Switzerland AG)
Publication date: October, 2023
Pages: 2000
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Pharmacology, Public Health


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