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Main description:
The straightforward, concise, and easy-to-read reference manual which is equivalent to having the best instructor offering guidance on what to do next and how to avoid potential complications is now available in an updated Second Edition.
Essentials of Cataract Surgery, Second Edition comprehensively details every step of phacoemulsification cataract extraction surgery, from preoperative evaluation to intraoperative instruction to postoperative care. The basic elements of cataract surgery are presented in a clear and easy-to-read format.
Dr. Bonnie An Henderson brings together advice and teaching techniques from the Harvard Intensive Cataract Surgical Training Conference at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. The book provides both beginning and practicing surgeons with personal tips and expert advice from leading cataract mentors of top US ophthalmology residency programs.
Inside Essentials of Cataract Surgery, Second Edition are detailed chapters covering fluidics, IOL calculations and design, capsular complications and management, and the latest phaco technology, including femtosecond cataract surgery. Each chapter contains a summary box, highlighting the key points of each topic discussed. Additionally, the included images, diagrams, photographs, and tables enhance understanding of specific topics.
With detailed information and expert pearls in a user-friendly format, Essentials of Cataract Surgery, Second Edition is perfect for residents, fellows, medical students, and practicing ophthalmologists looking to improve their surgical techniques.
About the Editor
About the Associate Editors
Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 Appropriateness of Cataract Surgery
Susannah Rowe, MD, MPH
Chapter 2 Cataract Surgery: Preoperative Evaluation
John P. Berdahl, MD and Robin R. Vann, MD
Chapter 3 Preoperative Eyedrops and Other Medications
James P. Dunn, MD
Chapter 4 Anesthesia for Cataract Surgery
Artem Grush, MD, MBA and Joseph Bayes, MD
Chapter 5 Intracameral Anesthesia: Considerations on Effectiveness, Toxicities, and Complications
Michael E. Sulewski, MD and Tamiesha A. Frempong, MD, MPH
Chapter 6 Incision Construction
Scott M. McClintic, MD; Brett Shapiro, MD; Diamond Y. Tam, MD; and Ayman Naseri, MD
Chapter 7 Astigmatic Considerations in Cataract Surgery
Yuri S. Oleynikov, MD, PhD; Lynda Z. Kleiman, MD; and B. David Gorman, MD
Chapter 8 Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Devices
Kathryn Bollinger, MD, PhD and Scott D. Smith, MD, MPH
Chapter 9 Capsulorrhexis
Kevin M. Miller, MD
Chapter 10 Hydrodissection and Hydrodelineation
Eydie Miller-Ellis, MD
Chapter 11 Fluidics/Pumps
John D. Au, MD and Roger H. S. Langston, MD
Chapter 12 Maximizing Efficiency With Phacoemulsification Settings
Saraswathy Ramanathan, MD
Chapter 13 Phacoemulsification: Nonchopping Techniques
Talia Kolin, MD and Mario A. Meallet, MD
Chapter 14 Phaco Chop Techniques
David F. Chang, MD
Chapter 15 Irrigation and Aspiration
Wuqaas M. Munir, MD and Carol L. Karp, MD
Chapter 16 Intraocular Lens Calculations
Lisa Park, MD
Chapter 17 Intraocular Lens Design, Material, and Delivery
Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD; Hilary Beaver, MD; and A. Tim Johnson, PhD, MD
Chapter 18 Suturing in Cataract Surgery
Chi-Wah (Rudy) Yung, MD, FACS; Clark Springs, MD; and Dongmei Chen, MD, PhD
Chapter 19 Sutured Intraocular Lenses
Bryan D. Edgington, MD; Sankaranarayana Mahesh, MD; and Michael H. Goldstein, MD, MBA
Chapter 20 Perioperative and Postoperative Medications
John J. DeStafeno, MD and Terry Kim, MD
Chapter 21 Extracapsular Cataract Extraction
Maria Aaron, MD; Geoffrey Broocker, MD; Jeff Pettey, MD; and Geoffrey Tabin, MD
Chapter 22 The Small Pupil
Sherleen H. Chen, MD, FACS and Roberto Pineda II, MD
Chapter 23 The Mature Cataract and Capsule Dye
Kenneth L. Cohen, MD
Chapter 24 Zonular Instability and Endocapsular Tension Rings
John C. Hart, Jr, MD, FACS
Chapter 25 Capsular Complications and Management
Evan Waxman, MD, PhD
Chapter 26 Cystoid Macular Edema
Ryan Fante, MD and Shahzad I. Mian, MD
Chapter 27 Endophthalmitis
Francis S. Mah, MD
Chapter 28 Surgical Management of Cataract in the Glaucoma Patient
Jack Manns, MD; Sandra M. Johnson, MD; and Peter A. Netland, MD, PhD
Chapter 29 Presbyopia and Future Intraocular Lenses
Jessica B. Ciralsky, MD and Priyanka Sood, MD
Chapter 30 Cataract Surgery After Refractive Surgery
Nisha V. Shah, MD; Jessica Chow, MD; and Sonia H. Yoo, MD
Chapter 31 Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery
Stephen G. Slade, MD, FACS
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: January, 2014
Pages: 408
Weight: 658g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry