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Main description:
Athletic trainers must have a foundation in the concepts of evidence-based practice to deliver patient care in an effective way. It is critical that students and clinicians formulate clinical plans that will be effective for individual patients. With that goal in mind, this book teaches the athletic trainer that evidence-based practice concepts must be incorporated into daily clinical practice.
Written in a conversational tone, it provides a practical and concise resource for athletic trainers to use when interpreting what the available evidence means for them and how it can be effectively applied in daily patient care. The competencies within athletic training and other health care professions were considered when each chapter was constructed and special care taken to include examples that are specific to athletic training and instructional applications for educators.
What Is Inside?:
Types of research design.
Foundations of research and statistics.
Introduction to critical appraisal.
Concepts of validity.
Diagnostic accuracy.
Disablement models.
Patient-oriented outcome assessments.
Health care informatics.
The first of its kind, Evidence-Guided Practice is the only resource athletic training students, clinicians, or other health care professionals will need to properly put evidence-based concepts into practice.
About the Authors
Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 Construction of Clinical Questions
Chapter 2 Types of Research Design
Chapter 3 Searching the Literature for Evidence
Chapter 4 Foundations of Research and Statistics
Chapter 5 Introduction to Critical Appraisal
Chapter 6 Selection and Assignment of Participants
Chapter 7 Concepts of Validity
Chapter 8 Measures of Reliability
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Accuracy
Chapter 10 Levels of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation
Chapter 11 Scales and Checklists for Critical Appraisal
Chapter 12 Application of Critical Appraisal
Chapter 13 Clinical Prediction Rules
Chapter 14 Epidemiological Measures
Chapter 15 Disablement Models
Chapter 16 Patient-Oriented Outcomes Assessments
Chapter 17 Considerations for Selecting Patient-Rated Outcome Measures
Chapter 18 Health Care Informatics
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: March, 2015
Pages: 312
Weight: 726g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Sports Medicine