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Evolving Landscape of Molecular Diagnostics
Applications and Techniques
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Main description:

Evolving Landscape of Molecular Diagnostics: Applications and Techniques presents cutting-edge reviews on current and emerging technologies in the diagnosis of microbial infections. The book discusses the fundamentals of Molecular Diagnostics for bacteria, fungi, viruses and a variety of state-of-the-art diagnostics tools and techniques for obtaining qualitative and quantitative results. It includes topics such as Next generation sequencing and application of "OMICS" for early disease diagnosis. Sections cover the entire spectrum of emerging diagnostic tools and techniques, as well as the principles, pros and cons of each method and applications for diagnosis of infectious disease in plants, humans and veterinary.

This is a resource for both researchers and students working in clinical microbiology, infectious biology, applied life sciences and scientists working in the clinical diagnostic industry.


Section A: Fundamentals of Molecular Diagnostics: from past to present to future
1. Molecular Diagnostics for bacteria, virus and fungi

Section B: Emerging Diagnostics techniques: which one to choose?
2. Real-Time PCR: Revolutionizing Detection and Expression Analysis of Genes
3. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for microbial identification and diagnosis
4. Microfluidics in Diagnostic Research: Lab-on-a-chip Technologies:
5. DNA methylation for the molecular diagnosis of cancer
6. TaqMan Low-Density Arrays for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Pathogens
7. Molecular imaging and molecular diagnostics: two sides of the same coin?
8. Semiconductor quantum dots for in vitro diagnostics and cellular imaging.
9. Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification as Point-of-Care Diagnosis
10. Urea Breath Tests for Detection of Helicobacter pylori
11. Novel diagnostics techniques for detection of COVID
12. Next generation sequencing and Application of "OMICS" for early disease diagnosis

Section C: An overview of applications: Human, Plant, Veterinary
13. Diagnostics for Plant Disease Detection
14. Diagnostic techniques: Clinical Infectious Disease


ISBN-13: 9780323993166
Publisher: Elsevier (Elsevier - Health Sciences Division)
Publication date: November, 2023
Pages: 300
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Medical Diagnosis


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