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Main description:
The number of the millions of blind in the world continues to grow, causing needless social and economic deprivation. Most of these blind can be cured, and much of the remainder prevented if all people had access to the simple and effective interventions that already exist. In this newly revised fourth edition of "Eye Care in Developing Nations", the author describes in practical detail, what these interventions consist of and how they can be readily implemented. In this expanded and updated edition all chapters have been revised to reflect developments in public health and in medical and surgical treatments and techniques.
Contents Part 1-Introduction to Public Health Ophthalmology 1 Public Health, Preventative Care, Eye Care Delivery, Evaluation and Sustainability Part 2-Eye Care in Developing Nations 2 Cataract 3 Trachoma 4 Blinding Malnutrition 5 Glaucoma 6 Ocular Trauma 7 Onchocerciasis 8 Leprosy 9 External Disease 10 Other Blinding Disorders 11 Appropriate Technology 12 Refractive Errors 13 Low Vision Part 3-Ophthalmology Backgrounder 14 Anatomy and Physiology 15 The Eye Examination Glossary Appendices: Diagnosis of the Red Eye, Ocular Medications, Surgical Guidelines for Ophthalmic Medical Auxiliaries, World Health Organisation Classification of Visual Impairment and Blindness, American Academy of Ophthalmology International Activities, Resource Organisations, Selected Reading, World Health Organisation Programme for the Prevention of Blindness and Deafness Index
Publisher: Manson Publishing Ltd
Publication date: July, 2007
Pages: 272
Weight: 616g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry