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Main description:
Dr. Zoltan Z. Nagy performed the first femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in a human eye in 2008. As one of the most authoritative sources on the topic, Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: Facts and Results presents the history of the development and use of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery summarizes the results of five years of pioneering techniques by Dr. Nagy and his team, including personal reflections and thoughts, as well as a series of classic papers.
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery consists of two main sections. The first section discusses and reviews the new results for the reader from the research. The second section comprises original articles on the topic of femtosecond laser cataract surgery that is essential to ophthalmologists.
Additional features include:
A review of the current state-of-the-art usages of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery
Examine existing technologies that compete with femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and compare outcomes
Discuss key secrets to successful surgical techniques using femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery
How to address and manage common complications associated with femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgerypresents these clinical results with cataract and corneal application, and highlights basic research with the strength of the anterior capsule and will assist ophthalmologists and residents alike gain a better understanding of the femtosecond laser cataract surgery process.
About the Editor
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Roberto Bellucci, MD
Foreword by Eric Donnenfeld, MD
Foreword by Ronald R. Krueger, MD, MSE
Section I Original Chapters
Original Chapter 1 Competing Femtosecond Laser Technologies for Cataract Surgery
Tibor Juhasz, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 2 Face-Off Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 3 Ocular Pharmacology of Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 4 Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Capsulotomy:
Advantages in Better Postoperative Intraocular Lens Positioning
Kinga KrAnitz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 5 Mechanical Behavior of Capsulotomy Performed With Femtosecond Laser
GAbor LAszlO SAndor, MD; ZoltAn Kiss, PhD; ZoltAn I. Bocskai; Imre BojtAr, PhD, CSc;
Agnes I. TakAcs, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 6 Intraocular Lens Calculation Results and Refractive Outcomes After
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted and Conventional Cataract Surgery
TamAs Filkorn, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes I. TakAcs, MD;
Eva HorvAth, MD; Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 7 Corneal Changes Following Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Phacoemulsification
Compared to Conventional Cataract Surgery
Agnes I. TakAcs, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Kata MihAltz, MD, PhD; TamAs Filkorn, MD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 8 Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Clear Corneal Wounds and
Their Effects on Surgically Induced Astigmatism
ArpAd Dunai, MD; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Michael C. Knorz, MD;
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 9 The Effect of Femtolaser Cataract Surgery on the Macula
MOnika Ecsedy, MD, PhD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Gabor Mark Somfai, MD, PhD;
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 10 Complications in Femtolaser Cataract Surgery and What to Do
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 11 The Effect of Femtosecond Laser Capsulotomy on the
Development of Posterior Capsule Opacification
IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 12 The Verion Image Guided System
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Original Chapter 13 Flap Creation Using LenSx Femtosecond Multiple-Use Laser System
Eva JuhAsz, MD; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes I. TakAcs, MD; Andrea Gyenes, MD;
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc
Section II Classic Papers
Classic Paper 1 Initial Clinical Evaluation of an Intraocular Femtosecond Laser in Cataract Surgery
Zoltan Nagy, MD; Agnes Takacs, MD; Tamas Filkorn, MD; Melvin Sarayba, MD
Classic Paper 2 Anterior Segment OCT Imaging After Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery
Zoltan Z. Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc; TamAs Filkorn, MD; Agnes I. TakAcs, MD;
Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Tibor Juhasz, PhD, DSc; Eric Donnenfeld, MD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; Jorge L. Alio, MD, PhD
Classic Paper 3 Comparison of Intraocular Lens Decentration Parameters After
Femtosecond and Manual Capsulotomies
ZoltAn Zsolt Nagy, MD, DSC; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes I. Takacs, MD;
Kata MihAltz, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Michael C. Knorz, MD
Classic Paper 4 Femtosecond Laser Capsulotomy and Manual Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorrhexis
Parameters and Their Effects on Intraocular Lens Centration
Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes Takacs, MD; Kata MihAltz, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC
Classic Paper 5 Intraocular Lens Tilt and Decentration Measured By Scheimpflug Camera
Following Manual or Femtosecond Laser-created Continuous Circular Capsulotomy
Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Kata MihAltz, MD; GAbor L. SAndor, MD; Agnes Takacs, MD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC
Classic Paper 6 Comparison of Long-term Visual Outcome and IOL Position With a Single-optic
Accommodating IOL After 5.5- or 6.0-mm Femtosecond Laser Capsulotomy
Andrea Szigeti, MD; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes I. Takacs, MD; Kata MihAltz, MD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC
Classic Paper 7 Internal Aberrations and Optical Quality After Femtosecond Laser
Anterior Capsulotomy in Cataract Surgery
Kata MihAltz, MD; Michael C. Knorz, MD; Jorge L. AliO, MD, PhD; Agnes I. TakAcs, MD;
Kinga KrAnitz, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSc
Classic Paper 8 Comparison of IOL Power Calculation and Refractive Outcome After
Laser Refractive Cataract Surgery With a Femtosecond Laser Versus
Conventional Phacoemulsification
TamAs Filkorn, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Agnes TakAcs, MD; Eva HorvAth, MD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC
Classic Paper 9 The Effect of Femtosecond Laser Capsulotomy on the Development of
Posterior Capsule Opacification
IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; GAbor L. SAndor, MD; Michael C. Knorz, MD;
Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, FACS; Rudy M. Nuijts, MD, PhD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC
Classic Paper 10 Effect of Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery on the Macula
MOnika Ecsedy, MD; Kata MihAltz, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Agnes TakAcs, MD;
TamAs Filkorn, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSc
Classic Paper 11 Central Corneal Volume and Endothelial Cell Count Following
Femtosecond Laser-assisted Refractive Cataract Surgery Compared to
Conventional Phacoemulsification
Agnes I. TakAcs, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; Kata MihAltz, MD; TamAs Filkorn, MD;
Michael C. Knorz, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC
Classic Paper 12 Femtosecond Laser Cataract Incision Morphology and
Corneal Higher-Order Aberration Analysis
Jorge L. AliO, MD, PhD; Ahmed A. Abdou, MD, PhD; Felipe Soria, MD;
Jaime Javaloy, MD, PhD; Roberto FernAndez-Buenaga, MD; ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC;
TamAs Filkorn, MD
Classic Paper 13 Intraocular Femtosecond Laser Use in Traumatic Cataracts Following
Penetrating and Blunt Trauma 1
ZoltAn Zsolt Nagy, MD, DSC; Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes Takacs, MD;
TamAs Filkorn, MD; RObert Gergely, MD; Michael C. Knorz, MD
Classic Paper 14 Laser Refractive Cataract Surgery With a Femtosecond Laser After
Penetrating Keratoplasty: Case Report
ZoltAn Z. Nagy, MD, DSC; Agnes I. TakAcs, MD; TamAs Filkorn, MD; Eva JuhAsz, MD;
GAbor SAndor, MD; Andrea Szigeti, MD; Michael C. Knorz, MD
Classic Paper 15 Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in
Management of Phacomorphic Glaucoma
Kinga KrAnitz, MD; Agnes IldikO TakAcs, MD; Andrea Gyenes, MD; TamAs Filkorn, MD;
RObert Gergely, MD; IllEs KovAcs, MD, PhD; ZoltAn Zsolt Nagy, MD, DSC
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2014
Pages: 192
Weight: 641g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry