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Gender in Philosophy and Law
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Main description:

This book is an introductory systematic framework in the complex and interdisciplinary sex/gender debate, focusing on philosophy of law.The volume analyses the different theories that have dealt with the gender category, highlighting the conceptual premises and the arguments of the most influential theories in the debate, which have had repercussions on the field of the ethical and juridical debate (with reference to intersexuality, transsexualism, transgender, homosexuality). The aim is to offer a sort of conceptual orientation in the complexity of the debate, in an effort to identify the various aspects and development processes of  the theories, so as to highlight the conceptual elements of the theorisations to grasp the problem areas within them. It is therefore an overall synthetic and also explicative analysis, but not only explicative: the aim is to outline the arguments supporting the different theories and the counter-arguments too, for the purpose of proposing categories to weigh up the elements and to take one’s own critical stance, with a methodological style that is neither descriptive nor prescriptive, but critical. ​      


Reconstructs the origin of the sex/gender debate and the phases of theorization through a systematic, interdisciplinary approach

Provides a conceptual clarification of a complex debate, enabling the reader to understand and acquire a critical awareness of delicate and relevant  issues

Critically analyses of the evolution of sex/gender law within an international framework​

Back cover:

This book is an introductory systematic framework in the complex and interdisciplinary sex/gender debate, focusing on philosophy of law.The volume analyses the different theories that have dealt with the gender category, highlighting the conceptual premises and the arguments of the most influential theories in the debate, which have had repercussions on the field of the ethical and juridical debate (with reference to intersexuality, transsexualism, transgender, homosexuality). The aim is to offer a sort of conceptual orientation in the complexity of the debate, in an effort to identify the various aspects and development processes of  the theories, so as to highlight the conceptual elements of the theorisations to grasp the problem areas within them. It is therefore an overall synthetic and also explicative analysis, but not only explicative: the aim is to outline the arguments supporting the different theories and the counter-arguments too, for the purpose of proposing categories to weigh up the elements and to take one’s own critical stance, with a methodological style that is neither descriptive nor prescriptive, but critical. ​      


Table Of Contents.- Introduction.- Chapter I: From Sex To Gender.- Chapter II: From Gender To Queer.- Chapter III: Gender: From Theory To Law.- Chapter IV: Identity And Equality In Sexual Difference.- Glossary.- Bibliography.


ISBN-13: 9789400749900
Publisher: Springer (Springer Netherlands)
Publication date: August, 2012
Pages: 105
Weight: 213g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Physiology


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