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Main description:
Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning is the first text of its kind to address the broader scope of occupational therapy practice and the different types of professional reasoning that can be employed, including strategic, political, nonlinear, creative, and social reasoning. This text encompasses a wide range of thinking skills and cognitive processes used by occupational therapists, from reflecting on practice to solving problems, and from reasoning in the clinic to reasoning in the wider political, social, and cultural worlds.
Marilyn B. Cole and Jennifer Creek and their contributors are therapists, educators, and scholars who have explored new areas of professional practice and written about the thought processes that reinforced their actions. The authors come from around the world, providing a global perspective while also demonstrating that occupational therapists within different cultures serve remarkably similar human needs: to be included in their communities, to have occupational choices, and to determine their own life course.
Many of the contributors in Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning have identified and analyzed their own thought processes as they tackled complex and challenging tasks, often in unfamiliar contexts. These challenging tasks have produced several entirely original conceptualizations of professional reasoning, such as development and spiritual reasoning. The contributors start by observing what is going on, try to make sense of the situation, and then work out what to do. Other contributors are fascinated by a theory, a policy, or an approach; study it; and then look for ways to utilize it in practice. Most of the time, contributors focus their attention on the process of reasoning rather than on the specific types of reasoning they are employing or on desired outcomes.
Inside Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning, each chapter charts the learning process that contributors went through as they extended their thinking skills and processes to meet the challenges they encountered. All the chapters describe reasoning in practice and all of them utilize theory.
A broad and fresh take on professional reasoning in occupational therapy practice, Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning is the perfect resource for occupational therapy students and clinicians who want to utilize reasoning to tackle the most complex and challenging of tasks.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Kit Sinclair, PhD
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Book
Jennifer Creek, PhD and Marilyn B. Cole, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 2 The Language of Professional Reasoning
Jennifer Creek, PhD
Chapter 3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning in Occupational Therapy
Hanneke van Bruggen, Bsc OT, Hon.Dscie, FWFOT
Chapter 4 Collaborative Reasoning: Working in Partnership With Third Sector Organizations
Angela Birleson, Dip COT, MSc, PhD
Chapter 5 Spiritual and Ethical Reasoning: Interplay Between the Personal and the Professional in Decision Making
SIlvia Martins, MS, OT
Chapter 6 Political Reasoning for Disability Inclusion: Making Policies Practical
Theresa Lorenzo, BSc (Occupational Therapy) (Wits), HDipEdAd (Wits), MSc (Community Disability Studies) (University of London), PhD in Public Health (UCT), PgDip (Higher Education Studies) (UCT)
Chapter 7 Collaborative Reasoning: Teaching and Learning to Facilitate Disability Inclusion in Policy and Practice
Theresa Lorenzo, BSc (Occupational Therapy) (Wits), HDipEdAd (Wits), MSc (Community Disability Studies) (University of London), PhD in Public Health (UCT), PgDip (Higher Education Studies) (UCT)
Chapter 8 Narrative Reasoning in Disability-Themed Films
Anne Hiller Scott, PhD, FAOTA, OTR/L and Richard Scott
Chapter 9 Social Reasoning in Occupational Therapy: Integrating Social Theories
Marilyn B. Cole, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 10 Creative Reasoning in Occupational Therapy
Estelle B. Breines, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Chapter 11 Nonlinear Reasoning in Cognition: Restoring the Essence of the Occupational Therapy Process
Ivelisse Lazzarini, OTD, OTR/L
Chapter 12 Development Reasoning in Community Practice
E. Madeleine Duncan, BAOT, BA Hon (Psych), MScOT, DPhil (Psychology)
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2016
Pages: 272
Weight: 47g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Occupational Therapy